1 minute read
The Auto r The Home - El Paso r Creating Business
Here's romet[ing to think about.
I rms in El Pa.ro the other day at a big lumber convention. I did a tittle tdkingso did the otherr,..-+n the eubject of "Creating Buriner", a.r applied to the retail lumberman.
.dn El Pero retailer told me that thingp are a little rl'ow in El Paso, burinest ir rome' what ilack for the yarde locatcd there, and ttat under ruch circumrtancel he qucctioned whether it war wiee for a lumber dealer to rpend eny money trying to create brnineel
That same day another El Paro lunberman made a talk to the convention on wbat the auto ir doing to outeell the home in thatcity, and he made the very intereeting statement that on tte previour day the official recordr of El Paro rhowed the filing of m'ortgager and lienr on autoc aggregating over $25r0OO, while the totd building pcrrnitr ireued that ra,me dey in thc city war jtut about $1'OOO.
At fipt thought it might reem that the opniion of the firrt dealer I mentioned above, to the effect that with comdltionr dow it would not pey to epend money trying to create gugiaers-was ttue. But in the light of the'statement of the rccond dealer-how about it? It ie mighty apparerrt tlrat there ARE people in ttrat city who didn't let a littlc thing like conditionc interfere withTHEIR efiort! to create burinelq,irn't it? It'r ro in mori placer. ln too nrany orrer the lumberman say!: "Burinerc conditionr are bad; Itil go dow fora while."
But ttir guy trhat relh automobiler doeen't look at it that way. So the automobile mortgager keep on pil.hs up, whet{rer the building permite do or not.
To me thir local pair of incidentr keepr right on teaching the leeron that the lumber dealer rhould nsyer relax hic effortr to create burinenr, regardleer of conditionr. He may ediut hir efiortr to ruit the rituation. He may rpend leu money for certain kinde of -advertiring od redouble hir efiortr in other direCionr and along othcr linel of activity, but -trhe ruccecsful merchant lGema to be the fellow ufio digtin dl the harder when thingr get dow.
I don't believe in the fellow who rayr:"Thingr are !o dow we cen't'cdl buildins materialr," when I how that the automobile metr are doing a rurhing burinelr. I rftnply think that one ir the bater ralelman than the othcr, har more faith in hir *ocb and more faith in himrelf.
You dontt have to buy half page adr in your local paper unleu you want to. But you SHOULD look over yortr totnn, ree nAat each individual NEEDS thet you can SUP' PLY, and go sell trhat rtuff.
..BUSINESS IS GOOD-WE MAKE IT GOOD" ir the bater rlogan that bringt home the bacon.