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The Western Sash and Door Co. of Los Angeles
-Much history has be,en made since the early part of 1920, rvhen California started her biggest boom of building, and when the men in the building material game in this great state began to really hit their stride. In the last four years many concerns have expanded, have taken in nerv territory and added nerv lines to their list of products, that they might play an even greater part in the development of the state.
One such concern is listed as one Los Angeles substantial business institutions under the name of the Western Sash and Door Company. This concern operates a rvholesale sash and door business, in Los Angeles, distributing their products through the south,ern part of the state, to the dealer exclusively.
The concern is headed by I\Ir. George B. Bosrvorth. This gentleman is an old time lumberman with many y'ears of experience. He started in the lumber business fbriy years ago, working up from the bottom and serving at difierent times as yard foreman, bookkeeper, line yard manager and traveling salesman for one of the largest sash and door firms in Oshkosh. Wis.
For the twenty years previgns to coming to Los Angeles, Mr. Bosrvorth was in business in Kansas City, first as president of Leidigh and Bosworth Lumber Company and later he organized the Interstate Sash and Door Company, of which he rvas president and manager.
We Offer
In the Western Sash and Door Corrpany, Mr. George Bosworth is assisted !y his two sons in ihe running of tte business. Frank E. Bosworth acts as the office rianager f9r tfrg company, and Leslie E. Bosworth is in charge-of the shipping and manufacturing ends of the business. -
This company wqs established in a small way in l92O but soon outgrew _its first location and ground was pur- chased and a warehouse builtatIQI-07 East Z5th Str,eet, extending through to 23rd Street.
Soon more space was ne,eded and last year an additional warehouse was built at 1675 East 23rd Street.
-This company specializes in carrying a tremendous stock of stock size sash and doors. They-have at all times a complete assortment of sash, windows, casements, all kinds of doors, and state that they handle nothing but first grade materials.
^ l-toSk comin^g from such rveli known firms as the Long Bell Lumber Company assures a grade of material not t-o be beaten, according to Mr. Boswbrth.
A feature of the business done by this progressive outfit is their ability to give dealers a foriy eight hour service on barred_up orders on sash, windows, ,etc. They have so refined the system in their plant that they are ible to maintain a service of this kind. This service extends to orders from dealers, for either glazed or empty stock.
G. McINTOSH, C. P. A. c. s. cowAN, c.