1 minute read
Manufactures Only Breakfast Nook Sets
C. J. Daois
"superior" Breakfast Nooks are becoming_bg!!er known to the dealers and consumers of Southern California and Arizona through the popularizing efforts of the Meehan Davis Crown eompany, manufactur'ers of this article.
This company has been operating for some time, specializing in the manufacture and distribution of built-in features for homes and apartment houses.
Their speciality is now their "Superior" Breakfast Nook, which are sold ixclusively through the building material dealer. They are shipped knocked down, coming in sets of five piecei, consisting of : one table top, two seat ends and two table legs. These can be easily assembled at a minimum cost by the carPenters, and are madg -to fit openings of four and one feet to five and one half feet. They also make special sized sets, on order.
"Due to the ever growing popularity of the breakfast nooks in modern homes, flats and apartments, and owing to the increasing demand by lumber dealers for .a stock pattern carefully planned to meet the requirements of their lrade, my firm has discontinued all other form of millwork and is minufacturing stock designs of knocked down breakfast nook sets exclusively," said Mr. C. J. Davis, president of Meehan Davis Crown Co., Inc.
"We do a wholesale business only in these articles and we take in practically all of the lumber yards and sash and door dealerl in and around Los Angeles.We also ship these breakfast'nook sets in large quantities into the San Diego territory and into Arizona.
"ii is quantity production we aim at and this is the factor that enables u3 1o sell these breakfast nook sets to the trade at such a price thata handsome margin is left for them to base their selling price on.
We are at present doubling our product to take care of a steaclily increasing volume of business, and are installing further machinery and equipm,ent to bring the cost of production down to a minimum."
Mr. Tim Reedy who for manv vears was with the Western Plining Miil at Hollywo6d- has recently joined this company and has taken charge of the production.end of the business.
B,esides nooks, this concern is a large distributor of Pratt and Warner Ironing Boards and Medicine Cabinets. These goods are well known all over the state, Pratt and 'Warner 6eing pioneers in the manufacture of ironing boards.