2 minute read
You Can Bend This Wall Board But It Will Not Break
Schumacher V/all Board is made by patented proc-ess to bend, yel it is so tough and-sturdy that it will not crack or break in the bending.
This makes this -pliable wall board especially valuable for rneeting requirements where curves in walls or ceiling occur.- Schumacher Wall Board can be sawed or cut with the same ease as wood, but because it cornes in such coirvenient sizes the waste is so small as to be negligible.
Though conveniently flexible, Schum achet Wall Board is staunch, Clurable andpermanent. It rnakes a one-piece wallforinteri6rs or exteriors ;--for the joints can be sealed perfectly and no battens are required.
Schumacher Wall Board witl not shrink, warp, swell or buckle. Look for the trade rnark o-n everry piec,e. It is your protection against inferior wall board.
J- E. Higgins, Jr'., one of the best known lumbermen in thi siate is-Ttre nianbger of this large concern' He is very pooular in lumber circles on the Pacific Coast, takes,an ;;fi;; part in Hoo-Hoo afiairs in the Bay District, and is it. .i"i"i"tf and treatutet of the Pacific'Coast Hardwood b."i.it Ass'ociation. Mr. Higgins states that the demand for hardwood flooring has been-very good with his concernl and only recently hi says they have placed witha lar-ge ir.t"tt 'hardwood manuficturing concern the la-rgest order ioi ttata*ood flooring ever shipped to the Pacific Coast'
Carl Watts and Ch]arlie Lillie act as the company's o-utside representatives while Gus Morien calls on the San
(Continued from Page 20) .rp."i"tty adapted to givingthe trade "speedy Service" on mixed shipments. Francisco trade.
A. L. Frost, of the San Diego Lumber Company, .the FrostEardwood Company and other business enterprises irt S"rr Di"go, is planiring the erection of a new modern .in"" ttitai"g, ot the siie of their present offices at the San Diego L-umber Company's -p1"1!'

The niw structure wili b6 of hollow tile construction, to -cost in the n'eighborhood of $20,000'00, will ber-rluch f"rs., than their oid quarters, and will contain in addition to i great many other-modern features, an up to date service a"nd Dlan room, under the supervision of a -competent -rrr ot ito*utt who will be able 1o take care of the many inquities that this ""-p""y h* b*" receiving'
Mr. Forest Wilson has joined the sales force of Meyer & Hodge, Los Angeles wholesalers.
-- H"- *". form&ly with Fletcher & Frambes, of Los An- geles.
A little less mouth and a little more foot disease would help some fellows.
If you can't sell lumber, don't donate iL Give the other man a chance.
These disinfecting roadside foot-baths have forced some men to it at last.
t( rF :f
What's ten dollars a thousand between lumbermen, anyway ? Apparently nothing right now. ***
Nextthing you know, they'll be barring "shingle bobs" in Berkeley. ***
Some fellows will cut everything but their eye teeth.