2 minute read
The Rains Have Comel
th,e Incorne Thx
is nearly tTtrouqhP*pare lbw for a big summer
HE summer ol tgz4 will be a ieal one. We've had enough rain to be a brg factor rn California's prosperity. And more is coming. Crops are saved -agricultural buying power regained. Your rncome tax rs settled, except the refund you'll probably get. That's more good news. Tax Assessors are winding up their work for '24, That clears the track still more.
The busrness trarn has the rightof w^y r- nothing can hold it up.
Thar busrness men In all rndustrics havc confidcnce in thc next fcw months is indicatcd by various announcemcnts of events. Thcrr ludgmcnt is backcd by statistics on thc year to date The spirit of succcss is countrf rvide, and California lcads the country
Hipolito advcrtisrng plans rncludc enlergcd activitics. "Good Busincss" will bf yours3nd 6urc. Thc Hipolim linc can hclp you mrkc good busincss bcttcr. And hclp you sccurc morc pro6t from thar business
A Few Facts That Make The High Lights
Organrzatron formed to finance new lc Angeles Industries rtrerpts ln any other month srnce Internal Revenue Birreau was Capiral of g5o,@,ooo to be available atablished.l Building prrmrts for 6rst quarter 924 e rcced same prriod of .Paci6c Elctric Rarlway ordere $3,o,o worth of freight cars l92J by over t2,@,ooo to nandlc Soutncrn L.ltlornta snlpments.
Sothern Califbrnra Telcphone Co wrll spend ttg,ooo,@11 Sou.thernPecificplansex;rndit'urcofl+o,ooo,ooofcirtprove-
1924 expansnn program ments In 1924.
M"*h porroficir.a.rp,.5how rncrease sf r:.9: per cent over -^ Santa Fe improvement and extension work will cct around M"tch. rqi.t ' 'r t8lrooo'9oo'.
March permrts. for rrarne .dwen,ng construcnon were t666,5e8 ,,,ff;3*til'*!ilH,f;*,f:f*X*:i*,*jfth in ship argreater than rn February ofthis year
_-_r,.ly l::'11-Rdirwar anrcuncq r8,o,m dcveropment ,n !. i;.I*?'i;iT.,t,ffn:yf"'r$f
'"'i:',1:[i"f.::T',jl'.o',..,'on. ror March asgresare more than t"lTRf,]'5.t",1'o,H:L" ;", Southem carrfornie wir *t anr other month rnSouthern Cahfornra history new-records f9r frosfrity in rg2a;,;yi thi Marilr l*u. "f Income Tar rccerpts alone werr greater thrn the incomc-tar Southwestern Purihcing Agcnt
Hipolito Company
Marqfacturert offamoas Hipol;to stocl size Window Screens and Screen Doort 2lst & Alameda Sts., [.os AnSeles, Qalif.
Please send me a copy of the new Hipolito'Fricc List. I\ty busrness i folder: "The Outlook is Good,"
I have checked below the artrcles I am particularly rnterested in.
This is not only timely, but a most logical thing to do. All too many folks are in the habit of thinking that California is going back when things do not continue at the 100 mile an hour pace that was maintained throughout much of 1!23. "A study of basic conditions, however, shows that business is good, the country prosperous, and a rate of brtilding is being maintained which would give many other cities of the same size r marked feeling of satisfaction."
A point sf interest, particularly to tumber dealers. is that in Los Angeles alone building permits f or the first quarter exceed those of 1923, and in these building permits there were more permits for frame dwellings issued in March than were grarited in January or Febuary. In other words construction is turning to that most ne'ededthe individual farnily lwelIing.
Herein lies the road to profts for the lumber dealer. A survey made by the University of Southern Caifornia reveals that in Ircs Angeles in particular, and many other cities of California, there is an actual'shortage of single family dwellings, and it is the buitding of these single family homes that keeps the small contractor and carpenter busy, and swetls the retail lumber merchant's revenue.
Youdon't bry cold storage eggs if you can hetp it do you?
'Course Not!
There isn't much to be said against f[sp---or in their favor.
Lots of lumber is the same $ray--also shingles.
When you bry either lumber or Servicett eggs or shingles buy the kind you arePROUD of.