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Santa Fe Lumber Co.
.A,rchitecb Now Specify Arkansas Oal( Flooring
It will pay to carry Arkansas Oak Flooring in stock. Architects, contractors and builders have found over a long pcriod of years that greatest satisfactior has comc frtim "Perfcc' tidn" Brand Oak Flooring. Their specifications more often call for "Perfection" thao any othcr orie brand. You can build a greater volumc of btisiness on "Perfcctioa." All stock is uniformly graded, and perfcctly matchcd. Two large mills cnable us fo assure you prompt dclivery. Our national advcrtising campaign in the leading homc lovcrs' magazinc is crcating bigger inter€st in thc supcriority of "Perfection" Brand. Write for full information.

Arhansas Oak Flooring Conpiny
PineBluff, Arkansas