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Imperial Valley Notes
Active At Calexico
Considerable activity at Mexicali has benefited the dealers at Calexico. The Mexican authorities have inaugurated several American looking improvements in thiscity, the streets are being paved and quite a quantity of nerv buildrng'rs golng on.
An import duty of twenty cents per thousand feet on lumber is levied, except on material for residence and school use.
The Calexico Lumber Company, Mr. D. R. Kincaid manager, assisted by Mr. H. K. McConnel, has been in business for ten years, and operates a yaid acioss the line in Mbxicali. They have just compl,eted a nerv shed and office building, of Spanish type.
In the picture Mr. Kincaid is seen talking rvith his old friend Henry Riddiford, of Los Angeles. They evidently are discussing the relative merits of the old Missouri corncob and the French briar.
Other Yards At Calexico
- th. Valley Lumber Company, of which Mr. W. C. Jones is the head is doing a good business in the valley. They operate three yards, at Calexico, N[exicali and El Centro.
Mr. J. P. Siegel is the manager of the Sones Lumber Company. The yard at Calexico is a branch of the main plant, operated at El Centro.Mr. C. E. Sones makes his headquarters at the El Centro yard, and the branch is in the capable hands of Mr. Siegel.Mr. Sones reports that his trade isfair,that he finds collections improving considerably and that he expects a rvonderful year for the Valley.
Peck Lumber Company Is Live Outfit
Mt. J. E. Peck is the owner of the Peck Lumber Company, at Indio and Lennox, is spending most of his time been with the Calexico Lumber Company, before he bought his yard at El Centro from the L. W. Blinn Lumber Comoanv.
Mi. Peck is a Modern Merchandiser, and believes in advertising.
Hammond Lumber Companyinterestsin Valley
The Hammond Lumber Company of Los Angeles have large interests in the Imperial Valley also, operating yards at Brawley, Hdltville, Calipatria and Westmoreland.
Kerckhoff Cuzner Has Yards
The Kerckhoff Cuzner Mill & Lumber Company, with main offices in Los Angeles, have branch yards at Calipatria, Imperial and Brawley.
Blacklumber Company At Indio And Lennox
Mr. E. E. Black, proprietor of the Black Lumber Company, at Indio and Lennox, is spending most of his time lately at the nelv yard at Lennox, leaving the affairs of the Indio yard in the hands of Mr. O. Rempfer. Mr. Black states that in his opinion the Valley is in splendid condition.
You help pay for every forest fire :he1p prevent them.