1 minute read
Cement For Durability
Among our bert curtomerr are num,bered. many of thc prominent lumberr dealere of So. California and there ir no good rearon why you should not be one of them.
Superior Cement Stucco ir a quality ma. terial and we rtend back of it
$r'Ferior ir aold only tlrrougb dealerr in building materialr, we help you eell it.
If you are not aupplied with a eet of our color samples we will be pleaaed to cend a sct on request.
(Continued from Page 29) that challenses the imagination but the amazing proof of its superiorii! over 5000 years of time-and perhaps longer.
Wliat other commercial product can boast such a record ? Consequently, the Pioneer Paper Company feels that by impregniting ielt with asphalt 1o make a shingle, it has selicte"d the -one perfect material-the composition that has stood the test f6r 5000 years. Truly,the shingle of the tgfih.r"for., because it iswillingto prove its contention, the Pioneer Paper Company advertisesthat its roofings and shingles "aiways give- perfect satisfaction."
F. L. Mor$an
Retires after set)er7. yeafs setoice utith
Southern California Retail Ass'n