1 minute read
J ack Dionne S ays
Blessed is the Dealer
Blessed is the dealer who lacks knowledge of his business for he has a lot to learn.
Blessed is the dealer who does not advertise, for he has yet to find the way to business salvation.
Blessed is the dealer who fails to cater to the buildiig needs of his trade, for he leaves so much for the other fell low to gather in the harvest.
Blessed is the dealer who has nothing to ofier his trade but a stcick of building materials, forverily he will have little to do.
Blessed is the dealer who keeps a close watch on his com- for he will have little time to give to his own busi-
Blessed is the dealer who "slows up" when times get dull, for times will always be dull with him.
Blessed is the dealer who runs his buginess "like father used to do," for he should have a flag above his yard-a1 half maet.
Blessed is the dealer who is a community booster, for he is building from the foundation, and muet have his reward.
Bleesed is the dealer who rune his business in a modern and -aggressive way, takes advantage of his opportunities, and has no competitor but his past record-for-he shall get the grapes.
P.S.-Blegsed also is the-dealer who transforms his place of business from a secondary consideration into an information bureau on Home Building, for he will attract and create p-rofitable non-comp_etitive business instead of figuring bills, allowing some one else to dictate his selling prices.