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Stories of Seasick Colored Soldiers
During the war many a good story was told of the colored soldiers who crossed the water, and the funny things they said when seasickness got them, because a colored soldier, seasick for the first time, was perfectly convinced that he was dying.
Here are some short ones on that same subject that I gbt lots of"kick" out of at the time:
One nigger soldier who had suffered mightily 'with seasickness, at last put foot on the soil of France, and when he did he turned with a great sigh of relief and declared to his squad: "Men, Ah ain't nevah goin' to cross dat ocean no rno."
"But," said one ofhis companions, "how are you goin' t'git back to Texas?"
"Boy," was his disdainful reply, "Ah'm goin' back by way of New Orleans."
Another, who also had been desperately seasick, declared as he set foot on solid ground on the other side: "Let dishere niggah tell you all somethin' men, Ah dun volunteered to come ovah heah but they'll have to draf me to get me back."
And that classic, about the nigger who was stricken with seasickness, and as the world reeled round him, he slid off of his cot and down on his knees, and raised his soul in prayer, saying: "Oh, Lawd ! Mos' folks keep astin' you fo' things all the time, an' I ain't nevah asted you fo' nuthin' befo', but Ah needs hep right now, Lawd, an' Ah needs it mighty bad, so come on down, Lawd, an' hep dis pore niggah befo' he goes daid. An' not only come, Lawd, but come soon, an' Oh, Lawd ! if you all caint come yourself, PLEASE LAWD SEND ONE OF YORE SPEEDIEST ANGELS''