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1x4-5' No. 3 Clear and Better Douglas Fir, A. D. Rough, not over 15% No. 3 $29.00 per M

5/8 scant x 8 and wider, Common Port Orford Cedar, SlS, $23.00 per M S.M. The above items are for crating stock.

-ALSOl/zx8 and wider-Al- Common Port Orford Cedar, Rough Dry, 29.00 Per M All pricer f. o. b. can Lor Angclcr

GENERAL OFFICES: lfiXl Balfour Bldg., San Francirco

Los Angelec Office: Ell6 Ccntral Bldg.

Frames For Brick, Tile or Concrete

THE Andersen Box 'STindow Frame is a standard frame r- made especially for brick, tile or concrete buildings.

4tv Andersen dealer can deliver these frames promptly, the boxes nailed up and the balance K. D. one of these frames can be set up ready for the building in ten minutes.

Reosons Why Andusen l. Immediate delivery-no expensive delays waiting for special frames.

2. l2l sizes ready for every purpose.

3. Delivered in two comDact bundles olainlv marked for size and easily handled.

4. 7 units instead of 57. No small parts to become lost or broken.

5. No sorting, measuring or reftting. The comple-te frame- nailed up with pockets and pulleys in place in ten minutes

6. Accuracy, gives smooth running windows, yet €xclucles weather.

Frames Are Prcfrted.:

7. Modern machineiy, methods and specializa- .tion lower costs at the factory; quickness of assembly saves you time, labor and money on the job.

8. Better results in frame, brick or stucco buildings.

9. 'White Pine preserves original accuracy and gives continuous service.

10. Made by largest exclusive standard frame manufacturer. The trade-mark is absolute protection.

Andersen Lumber Company

AC-5 Bayport, Minnesota

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