1 minute read

Let us tell you a few facts, Mr. Lumber Dealer

Fact No. I

S. S. Robert Johnson

1r75OrO0O feet of spruce box lumben to maLe the round trip.

The Robert Johnson iscarrying m_ore spruqe rumber than any o!h9r rhipin the world, and is -"ritrs v"e"itt" B";]i;; spruce port of America.

This lumber is.handted bqthe monorail directfrom the lrooo- foot corting ch_ains in pac\age lots to b"rie"-fr";;ht.il it i" l;d"d into the vessel through the- large hatchlc bv -i".i "-t."m winches. fhr"g to-four davs ar- required-to road th" 6"i;;;J f-cimilar tii; to unload.

The california rnarket has learned _that spruce box, especially in the heavier containers,- makes "tr id""i p-a;k;;;-- it- i!-iigiri, strong, and when air-dried is unequalled for ttii" p"ii*e. That .iail ket has also learned that The pacific spruce c".i"iiti"r d;;$; suppll-its needs, i1 an_y quantity requir:ed, throuih 1ie Robert J;hn: ron This vessel also handles green-lath from thl miii. -

1!'l-l-ghip-me_n-ts of finiched stock are _made by rail. Try a car of our california Novelty Rustic siding. california-J""t"r" are uriig this excellent siding in large quantfties. rt.i- "r" i"ii"ri"a. -f"i will be.

Fact No. IO

About Our Logging In An Drrly lrne

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