1 minute read
\M. fI. Lowe Introduces Commercial Use for Redwood Bark
By Austin E. McNeil-Emil Brisacher & Staff, San Franciscb
W. H' laae
The storv of how a great industrial concern' manufac,".i"i ""i.i"t" ,ii;;;tifi"-eli"e of products, a prepared roofing. h"as turnid to California fore*ts to obtatn a basls tor rts ;;-"'d;;;.-;t"Li"if "t.t""tttt pt"gttant with commercial romance.
The concern in questionis The -Paraffine Companie^s' f"".,-tt-i""-ii.""itio, operat-ors of.17 plants on the Pacific t;;!t. And it ,tt"" ihd bark of ihe iedwood tree' along with rags as the base forits roofing'
How th" .orrrp"ny decid-ed- on Redwood bark is inter"rtittg. i* g"i"lg t6 r.i W. L. ! owe, general -manager of ifie Faint, R-oofiilg "rrd Floot Coverin-g division tell the "1"t" ". tt" tota it"to me r'ecently during a chat: "Y'6*;; ;h;;; the scarcitv of rigs for- use in the -""ut""iite of our roofing beiame acute' -R.aSs' as evervbodv knows, is the basis of the majority ot the preparecl rooiitte sold throughout the world' '-;WE GA; .".iittg about for a substitute for rags'