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Pratt & Warner's New Breakfast Nook
"There's nothing newrncler^the_sun,,' says the old adage, ,.. "ft isn't true," says_ pratt & Warner, ih. Lo, AG;i; "built-in-specialists"; ..there,s our new breakfast rrooli"rrd !is,sappearing ironing board combined. I-.o[ iHAi-;;; lltf ,:." rt the sage who made the .nothing new, remark (trdn't make a mistake just one time, at leist.,, Pratt & 'Warner has been telling the California trade_ through The California Lumber "Merchant columns_all about the built-in features they have made so famous in the pa:t. NOW.they come rvith-an addition to their line.
It rs combined all in one, and each piece entirelv dis_ appelring- intg the rvall wh_en not in .r..j " bo.rkl;Ji";i;, two full size benches to hold two people each, and an iron-j ing board. You can drop the lreitctast table'with " tl".i, o.n each side of it, or wifh only one bench. y"u ."" aio" the ironing board without the benche,*, o. *ith tt.*'.
California Lumber Merchar.rt. Los Angeles. Cal. Gentlemen'-
The convenience of a bench to sit on while ironing is one gf the.anqeals of this. combination ais"ppearl";';;t: 'b;;; prece rs stronsly built, attractive in design, eitirely prac_ tical, and thoioughlv satisfactorv
Up t9 this time Piatt & Warn6r has specialized in a dis_ appearing ironing board, a disappearine b;."-kL; ;";i;. aTg. ? plate glass mirrored bath room cabinet. The new addltton to theirline is a most important one, and thev have great hope_s and anticipations for its p.orf"ritr.-ii;;; a.re manufacturing this new line in trrge qu'a"titi"i. ;uri'"i they do their othir stock. o-
, It simply means-another delightful feature for California nomes, to. be supplre-d through live California lurnber mer_ cnants,.who_may bring much credit to themselves through trlrnrshrng these delightful innovations and comforts flr their patrons.
Here Is Substantial Support
April 8, 1924.
I."- ygltf April 1st number, page 55. there is an SJticJg "Why_-A Big Lumber it.il., Favors Grade tvlarklng." We are small dealers but rve favor grade llg.kilg for the same reasons as stated by Mr.-MJ_ liff. We are very glad to note that the Southern pine
-A.ssociation has voted nnanimously in favor of grade marking the_ir lumber ancl rve hofe to see the time lu|1,"n, the Oregon and -Washingion manufacturers \\:ur oo tne same. \Ve hope to see the ,,California Lumber Merchant" rvork foi gr"a"'-".'f.i"t;;;il';;: sults are obtained.