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laooroontcd urdcr thc l,rvr of Cdlfolle
J. C. Dlon , Prel. rnd Trcar; J. E. Mttb, Vlcc-Pn*; }L Adrnr, UGcntrrt
Publbhcd tlc lrt lrd fith oa crA uott et !rt-lt-20 Ccntral Bultdat, lOt Wert Sb.th Str..t' t-c Allrb!' Cql, Tclcphona VAndkc l5t6 Entcrcd er Sccod-cL.t nattcr Scptcmbcr t' l)2. at ttc Pod Offlc. rt Lor Anjclcr, Callfonia' ud.r Act o[ March !, l87t'
Subrcription Pricc' SZ0ll pcr Ycu Sin3lc Copicr, 25 ccntr crcb.
How Lumber Looks
A total of,2Oo do,rvn and operating milla in Vashingon and Oregon which teported to the West Coest Lumbetrnen's Association for the wiek ended Apdl 18 produced 112,8361564 feet of lumber. The industry produced 67.E pet cent of ito avcrage weekly cut during 19261929. New business for the week was ll2r7igr502 feet, and shipments were 12110051741 fet. Thc unfilled ocdet file at thle Sb t*:"d** 484,794'489 fee..
The Wertern Pine Aasociation for the week ended April 18r 1lE mills reporting' gave orderc as 56'957r0fi) fear shipmente 54,9O7rW flet, and production 5Ef71,000 fea. Qrdets were 32 per cent below productio,ra and 7.7 per cent above chip. ments. Shipments wete 6.7 below productiotr. Orders on hand at the end of the week ftalt' 238$79$OO feet.
The Califomia Redwood Association for the game weet teported production of 13 millE ar Er519r000 feeg shipnr.ents 8'6611000 feet, and nerr businese 7r64f,,r0UJ f.eL Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 43rEl2r00 Le*.
J. P. Hennessy, president of the Shevlin Pine Sales Company, Minneapolis, Minn., spent a few days at the company's Los Angeles office the latter part of April after which he visited their San Francisco office. He will also visit the company's mills at McCloud, Calif., and Bend, Oregon.
Visits Northwest Plant
Chas. R. Wilson, American Lumber & Treating Co., San Francisco, recently paid a visit to the company's Northwest plant at'Wauna, Ore.
The Cdifcnie lumber matket is active, retailets and wholesalers reporting a good volume of busin6s. Dudng the f,rst querter of 1936, Loo Angeles mnked fitst among the forty-fve key cities of the county in rcsidential building, ground wac brolcen for 1100 new homes in the city during the quarter. Lumber cargo receipts at Loc Angelec harbor fot the weeh ended April25 totald 19,559,000 feet. *{.{trf
The incease in lumber handling charges at trhe terminalr in the Loo Angeles-Long Beach hatbor area will beconre efiective onMaY6' * * {. *3
The San Francisco dock tie.up was settled on Apdl 21 when Locd and Pacific Coast longshorernents ofrcials and the \ffatet Front Employemt Associetion signed an agreement leaving oettlement of all disputes to Artitntor M. C. Sloss, and agsceing to abide by hi" nrlings. Longshoremen teturned to worlc on April 22. One of the important phases of the agreement is that longshoremen will not quit work because of "job actiolrtt or tthot cargott rliqputel and that Arbitrator Sloss will setde all disputes.
D. S. Watrous, sales manager of the Perfection Oak Flooring Co., Inc., Shreveport, La., is a Los Angeles visitor and will spend several days at the company's Los Angeles office. B. W. Klug, Los Angeles manager, is laid up due to an injury to his hip caused by a fall from a ladder while working at the plant. Mr. Watrous reports that their flooring and furniture plants at Shreveport are very busy.