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L. A. Executive's Merchanditing Talk H. \f. Bunker Heads Chas. Nelson Co.
Gets National Circulation
National circulation was given to the address on "Merchandising of Building Materials" delivered by George Ream, of Kerckhofr-Cazner Mill & Lumber Company, Los Angeles, before the annual convention of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, held at San Diego, November 6 to 8, 1935, when ii was reprinted from The California Lumber Merchant of November 15, 1935, by The Upson Company, New York, and used as an insert in the March issue of the "IJpsonizer," house organ of this concern, which circulates to dealers in lumber and building materials all over the United States.
Mr. Upson, head of The lJpson Company, thought so well of the merchandising ideas in this speech that he decided to give them the widest possible circulation among dealers in buitding materials throughout the country. He was particularly impressed with the idea expressed by Mr. Ream regarding the necessity of the dealer carefully investigating the quality, grade, durability and merits of the materials purchased for resale, and of knowing the value of the products he is trying to sell and the purposes for which they should be used.
It is interesting to recall that within a short time after the address was reprinted in The California Lumber Merchant last November Mr. Ream received more than fifty letters from readers of the paper congratulating him on his sound thinking on the subject and expressing their appreciation of the address.
H. W. Bunker, president of the Coos Bay Lumber Co', San Francisco, t\tas elected president of The Charles Nelson Company and the Nelson Steamship Company, April 6. The appointment was confirmed later at a court session and Mr' Bunker was given three months to decide whether the Nelson interests shall continue un{er the reorganization allowed by Section 77-B of the National Bankruptcy laws.
Other oflicers elected were James Tyson, Jr., vice-president; J. F. Pugh, secretary, and Captain A. F. Pillsbury, shipping agent.
Built-ln Fixture Sales Increase
Sales of built-in fixtures through lumber dealers are on the increase, and much greater interest is being shown by architects, contractors and builders in standardized kitchen equipment, according to Ray B. Cox, vice-president and general manager of the Peerless Built-In Fixture Company, Berkeley.
The company furnishes a mat service for dealers to use in advertising in their local paPers, and Mr. Cox says many dealers are using this service.
New items are continually being added to the Peerless line. One of the most recent is the Peerless Lino-Metal Drainboard. The drainboard is covered with linoleum, and the sink is guaranteed not to leak.
A sheet metal department has recently been added by this progressive firm.