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Harken Unto This Parable All Ye That Are Called Safesmen
And in those dcys, behold, there ccrme through the gcrtes ol the City c Sqlesmcrn from crlar off.
And it ccrnre to pcss thcrt qs the dcrys went by he sold lcrge Sccde of Stuff. They thct were grouches smiled on him cnd gcve him the Glcd Hcnd. The Tighhvcds opened their purses unto him. And there were Buyers who could sgueeze a penny until the blood llowed from Ccrescr's nose. And behold' even they took the Strcnger to the Grecrt Inn crnd lilled him with Fine Ects.
And those ol the City thct were Order Tckers, cnd they lhct spent their evenings in crdding to the Alibi Sheetr wet€ cstonished. They scid to one cmother-"What tell? How does he get crway with it?" And it ccme to pcss thct mcmy oI them gcthered together in the bcck room oI the Grect Inn. And cr Soothscyer cqme qmong then. And he wcs one Wise Guy. And they spcke cnd questioned hirn, scrying:
"Tell us, Oh Soothecyer, how come? This ncm hcs come cmong us lrom cfcr off. He goeth cbout in c Fliwer lrom the ecrly norn even until the night, gcthering Icrge Bunches ol Goodly Orders, while we who are of thiE city, behold, our Order Books crre blcnrk cnd we leqr to report to the Scrles Mcnqger lest he smite us hip cmd thigh."
The Soothsayer scid: "He oI whom you speck, verily, is One Huetler. He criseth very ecnly in the rrondng, cnrd goeth lorth Iull oI Pep. He complcrineth not neither doth he knock. He is crrcyed in purple crnd fine linen" while you go lorth with fcces unshcven cnd with holes in your socks.
"While you gclher here cnd scry to one crnother, 'Verily, it is c heluvcr dcy to work,' he is clrecdy crbroad. And when the Eleventh Hour conreih he needeth No Alibi, The pool room cthcrcteth him not, neilher doth the golf course, cnd the movies he pcrsseth by wifh cr look of Cotd Scorn on his Snoot.
'He surileth alike on the Just crnd the Uniust' he scyeth not io the Big Boss, 'Behold they thct cue in thiB town cre cr bunch ol bonehecds,' neither doth he scry, 'Verily, everywhere I have cclled they were out,'nor doth he report thct they 'were cll stocked up,' cnd then console himself in c poker gcmre.
'IIe knoweth his line, cold they thcrt would stave him off, they give him Orders. Men scry to hirn'Ncry, Ncry'when he cometh in" yet when he goeth Forth he hcrth their ncrmes on the Dotted Line. He hcrth tcken with him two Angels, Aspirction cnd Perspircrtion He knoweth whereol he specketh, crnd he worketh to bect the bcrnd. Verily, I scy unto you, 'Go, cnd do Likewiset,,, But they believed hirn not. And they curswered, "Old stufft Old stufl! Mcnry times we have hecrd thct Old Bunk!"
And they would NOT; but cclled for c New Deck.
William Clancy Celebrates 80th Birthday
William Clancy, president of the Lumbermen's Credit Association Inc., Chicago, Ill., celebrated his eightieth birthday on April 5. He "celebrated" by coming down to the office at the regular time, just as he has been in the habit of doing, with few exceptions, for more than sixty years.
However, the eighty employees of the Chicago office were not content to see such a memorable event pass without recognition. One of the young ladies entered his office with :r cheerful "H"ppy Birthday, Mr. Clancy." Following her was the office boy with a huge basket filled with eighty large red roses and one yellow one "to grow on." He soon found himself surrounded by the entire office force who broke out in the old familiar "Happy Birthday" song. After receiving Mr. Clancy's expression of hearty thanks and appreciation, the "help" brought forth another song for good measure, a parody which he 'enjoyed very much.
Mr. Clancy received many gifts and messages of congrattrlations during the day, including one from his son, Will C. Clancy, general manager of the agency, who, with his wife and family, was sojourning in Florida.
House Plans Distributed to Dealers
Washington, March 31.-With more than 1,500 house plans sold to dealers during the first 60 days of the 1939 campaign, the National Small Homes Demonstration is keeping well ahead of last year's figure in number of plans sold throughout the United States.
I-eading all other demonstration homes in popularity are Houses 2-A and 2-F, both of which are two bedroom, onestory homes. Among the two-story houses, 1-A and l-E are causing unusual interest, with 1-B creating a heavy demand in request for plans. The choice of these homes is due in no small measure to their charming simplicity of design and well arranged room layout.
The new Small Homes Manual is also receiving nationwide distribution, approximately 10,000 copies having been sent dealers in the 48 states. This manual, which illustrates each of the 1939 low-cost denionstration homes. outlines the story behind the National Small tr{omes Demonstration and contains practical ideas for home building such as financing arrangements and interior planning.
Heading all states in requests for the plans and manuals with the total number distributed in these states are: Illinois, 178; Ohio, 176; Iowa, 166; Wisconsin, 166, and Minnesota, 163.