7 minute read
Nu-\7ood Sta-L:te Offerr Hish Light Reflection
An unusually high light reflection factor of better than 70/o is claimed for Nu-Wood Sta-Lite, a new insulating interior finish product announced by the Wood Conversion Company. This new surface treatment is the result of a special coating recently developed which incorporates the use of new principles in surfacing materials.
The company reports an interesting feature in that this extremely light surface actually turns lighter with exposure. Tests on samples exposed to sunlight and Fadometer show that the surface after exposure is enough lighter to be seen by the eye. Tests made in a standard Fadometer show that exposure, the equivalent of two years, results in a definitc increase in whiteness.
Nu-Wood Sta-Lite is available in Tile, Plank and Board. The product maintains the distinctive texture of Nu-Wood' It ofiers a considerable amount of sound absorption and insulating value. Both in texture and color, Sta-Lite is designed to harmonize with Tan and Variegated Nu-Wood.
A special new type tongue and groove joint is furnished on Sta-Lite Tile and Plank. This joint has a slightly shallower bevel which gives the board an improved appearance in design. The tongue and groove joint offers greater support in construction to adjacent pieces-plus practically fool-proof application. Leakage of air through the joint is practically eliminated and slight movement is not noticeable on the finished iob.
Nu-\\rood Sta-Lite can be easily cleaned with a sponge or cloth. In extreme cases, a wall paper cleaner or damp cloth may be used. If another color is desired the surface acts as the priming coat. This, together with the mat texture, offers a surface which is easily covered with paint without showing brush marks.
L3ecause of the special joint treatment, Nu-Wood Sta-Lite Tile and Plank are not inter-changeable with Tan, Variegated and Ivory Nu-Wood Tile and Plank. For two tone effects, Ivory Nu-Wood, which will still be available, should be used. For further information and samples of this Nu-Wood StaLite write the Wood Conversion Company, Saint Paul, Minnesota.
New Caulk Cartridge
The Calbar Paint & Varnish Company, 2612-26 N. Martha St., Philadelphia, Pa., manufacturers of technical paints, caulking, glazing compounds and caulking guns, announces an improved cartridge of Vulco Fibre lined with cellophane. Special patented construction eliminates any backfiring or leakage which keeps guns always perfectly clean.
The new cellophane cartridge holds about one pint of Caulk-O-Seal and is put up in nests of eight and packed four nests to a shipping carton; thirty-two cartridges, and is available in various colors. A special combination offer of the new cartridges and gun, and full particulars of this offer together with a circular on the new cartridge may be obtained upon request.
Hoo-Hoo Club No. 62 Meets in Stockton
The regular monthly dinner meeting of Hoo-H'oo Club No. 62 of Central California was held at Hotel Clark, Stockton, on Tuesday evening, April 18.
President R. S. Fuller, Valley Lumber Co., Lodi, presided and Secretary Donald G. Bird, Stockton Lumber Co., Stockto,n, acted as secretary of the meeting. C. S. Brace' Stockton Lumber Co., acted as Sergeant-at-Arms.
Dr. Tully C. Knoles, president of the College of Pacific, the principal speaker of the evening, gave a splendid talk on "Basis for Optimism."
B. E. Bryan, Vicegerent Snark for Northern California, spoke on the reorganization of Hoo-Hoo International. L. J. Woodson, Supreme Arcan,oper of Hoo-Hoo, urged former members of the Order to apply for reinstatement and others to become afifiliated with the organization. Geo. M. Cornwall, editor of The Timberman, explained what the Order can do in bringing about better cooperation among lumbermen. A letter was read from Frank W. Trower. a former Snark of the lJniverse telling of past accomplish-. ments of Hoo-Hoo and his hopes for its future.
Alex Emerson led the gathering in community singing and presented a musical program.
A. R. Martin, Hales & Symons, Sonora, invited the club to ,meet in Sonora and it was decided to meet there May 23.
The attendance was as follows :
C. G. Bird, Stockton Lumber Co.. Stockton
Earl H. Botts, Valley Lumber Co.. . Lodi
Frank H. Anderson, Valley Lumber Co.. . Lodi
Vi.nce Wilson, Central Lumber Co.... .....Stockton
O. D. Ruse, Ruse-Blair Lumber Co.... ...Stockton
D. E. Ruse, Ruse-Blair Lumber Co.... ....Stockton
Tom Jones, Midstate Lumber Terminal Pt. of Stockton
John M. LaMar, Stockton Lumber Co.... .Stockton
Lloyd Harris, Elli,ott Bay Sales Co.... .....Oakland
D. H. Schroebel, San Joaquin Lumber Co.. Stockton
F. W. Burgers, Union Lumber Co.........San Francisco
Harry Dayton, The Diamond Match Co.. Stockton
F. E. Chalfan, E. K. Wood Lumber Co.. San Francisco
Ben C. Phillips, Nicolai Doors Sales Co.. San Francisco
Paul Thompson, Ruse-Blair Lumber Co. ...Stockton
Don Blair, Ruse-Blair Lumber Co.... .....Stockton
Joseph G. Sasselli, Square Deal Lumber Co.. Stockton
F. K. Peil, Hammond Lumber Co.... .....Oakland
F. H. White. Hammond Lumber Co.. San Francisco
Henrv' "::l: ?:l:::: : ll'::: T:::*: Francisco
C. Moorehead, Moorehead Lumber Co.. Escalon
Isenhower, Holmes-Eureka Lbr. Co.. Sacramento
Carlson, Moorehead Lumber Co.... .Escalon
Young, The Diamond Match Co......... ....Lodi
Crowe, Calaveras Cement Co.... ....Stockton
Holmes. Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co.. San Francisco
Wilson, Central Lumber Co.... .....Stockton
Hyberg, Asso. of J. U. Cl,owdsley. .Stockton
Trantham, Union Planing Mill ....Stockton
Shepherd, Shepherd & Green. .Stockton
Brace, Stockton I-umber Co.... .....Stockton
O. Kellam, Flintkote Co.... Sacramento
Muzio, Stockton Lumber Co.... .....Stockton
Bird, Stockton Lumber Co.. Stockton
Gartin, Stanislaus Lumber Co.... ....Modesto
H. Winfred, Redwood Ma,nufacturers Co.. Pittsburg
N. Lofgren, Alvin N. Lofgren San Francisco
Pratt, R. G. Pratt Stockton
A. Tice, Hill & Morton, Inc.. Oakland
(Continued on Page 3O)
Office and Ycrd
8th cnd Towngend Streets
MArket 8448
Two Wholesale Yard Stocks
Fost Truck Locds
Lath & Shingles
Fir & Pine
"The Friendly Yards of Personal Service" SAN TBANCISCO Otr&AND 1800 Army Street 9th Avenue Pier
ATwoter 1300
Hlgcte 1346
Exclusively Wholesale
Sas h-D o or s- Scr eensGlas s PanelsWallb o ar dColumns
Complete stoclr now on hand of Armstrong's Temlok De Luxe Boards-Planh-Panels-Hardboards
The California Door Company
237-2,9-241 Central Ave- Los Angeles TBinity 7461
Will Sell Or Trade
Table Tilt Top Saw and all accessories including switches. 5 H.P., direct drive. Will sell or trade for lumber truck. Sawmill Sales Co., 601-619 W. Garvey (31 miles east of Five Point), Baldwin Park, Calif. Telephone Covina 64&01.
Retail Lumberman Wants Position
Retail lumberman with twenty years experience wants connection. Has filled all positions from yardman to yard manager. Knows building materials. Southern California experience. Go any place. Can furnish references. Address Box C-755, care California Lumber Merchant.
Low Cost Homes
(Continued from Page 26) afiorded individual small homes buyers and investors at the present.
On the East Coast, the National Small llomes Demonstration is building a h.ome based on one of its basic designs in the "Town of Tomorrow" at the World's Fair, New York, and many, many thousands will eventually see this exhibit, carrying the word of small home potentialities back to their respective communities.
In many towns and cities lumbermen are sponsoring exhibit homes built from one of the many variations of the two basic designs of National Small Homes Demonstration. A much greater utilization of this phase of the program is looked for, with its manifest possibilities for stimulation of home building.
With the active sponsorship of the National Retail Lumber Dealers Association and the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, the 1939 ;National Small Homes Demonstration got under full steam in January. Newspapers and other sections of the press have carried innumerable articles sent out to acquaint the public with its purposes and objectives. National magazines and trade journals have carried many columns of space anent the program. The public seems to be reaching a status of greater small home consciousness than in a number of years.
Summed up, it appears that the prog'ram will result in huge stimulation of home building. But, those in close touch with the national aspect of the progriun point out, it means that lumbermen and all whose interests tie in with the final results, must keep hammering away to keep the ball rolling.
Clem Fraser Convalescing
Clement Fraser, general manager of Loop Lumber & Mill Co., Alameda, returned to his home April 23 after being confined in a hospital for several weeks by a serious illness.
Wanted for Los Angeles territory, Industrial Salesman. Experience in Hardwoods, Ponderosa and Sugar Pines necessary. Ad&ess Box C-754, California Lumber Merchant.
Lumber Yards For Sale
Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746,
Experienced man to handle wholesale orders and shipments. Must be familiar with grades, both softwoods and hardwoods. Give complete details when applying. Address Box C-756, care California Lumber Merchant.
Hoo-Hoo Club No. 62
(Continued from Page 29)
D. H. LeBreton, Coos-Bay Lumber Co.... .Oakland
O. H. Carter, Santa Fe Lumber Co.. . Stockton
Tom Tomlinson, Paramino Lumber Co.. San Francisco
Jack Little, IJnion Planing Mill. . Stockton
W. G. Little, Union Planing Mill.. .Stockton
Lewis A. Godard, Hobbs Wall & Co........San Francisco
Martel Wilson, Central Lumber Co.... ...Stockton
Ewing R. Stewart, Hales & Symons, Inc.........Sonora
A. R. Martin, Hales & Symons, Inc.... .....Sonora
Chas. B. Cross, Santa Fe Lumber Co.. Stockton
R. O. Wilson, R. O. Wilson Lumber Co..... .. ...Oakland
B. H. Smith, Long-Bell Lumber Co.. . Berkeley
D. E. Bowen, San Joaquin Lumber Co.... Stockton
W. F. Bartlett, Fire Co's Adj. Bureau... .. Stockton
B. E. Bryan, Strable Hardwood Co.... ....Oakland
Tully C. Knoles, College of Pacific. Stockton
R. S. Fuller, Valley Lumber Co.... ....Lodi
L. J. Woodson, Wheeler Osgood Sales Corp.. San Francisco
Geo. M. Cornwall. The Timberman. San Francisco
C. D. LeMaster, Western Building Review....Sacramento
R. L. Ustick, Stanislaus Lumber Co.. . Modesto
R. Mortensen. Stanislaus Lumber Co.... ..Modesto
Retail Lumber News
Sawmill Sales Co., recently opened a retail yard at 601619 West Garvey Blvd., Baldwin Park. Jack Hayden is manager. S. Butt is bookkeeper and in charge of the office. Their slogan is "Sawmills Say Sellit."
Babbitt Bros. Trading Co. is adding 4,000 square feet of warehouse space at its plant in Flagstaff, Ariz. The new warehouse will be across the street from the lumber yard and milling plant.
Walteria Lumber Company, Walteria, are making additions and improvements to the storage yard and buildings. Howard Harline recently purchased full interest in the company from his former rpartner, R. L. Ericsson.