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'\nrHo's wHo"

Portland, Oregon

Manufacturers ol OId Growth Douglas Fir Rail and Cargo Shippers

Andrew C. Nelson Retires

San Francisco, April l&-Chief Ihspector Andrew C. Nelson, seventy-five-year-old veteran of the Redwood lumber industry, will retire this week, according to announcement made today by the California Redwood Association.

Mr. Nelson has been chief inspector of the Association for the last eight years and actively connected with the Redwood industry for more than 56 years. He started his Redwood experience with ox-team logging and work in mills when the usual work day was from six in the morning until six at night, with a half hour for lunch.

In addition to his long experience in manufacturing and gradin$ Redwood, he possessed an unusual knowledge of the species with which he has spent his entire mature life, which made his judgment in grading lumber an unusual asset to the Redwood mills. Although he had passed his seventy-fifth birthday, his physical activity up to the time of a serious accident last October would have tested the stamina of many men half his age. He is remaining with the Association in a consulting capacity.

Mr. Nelson will be succeeded as chief inspector by George W. Nelson who has likewise had life long experience in Redvyood production and grading. He has been an inspector since 1932 and has been serving as acting chief inspector since Andrew C. Nelson's accident last winter.


Otis R. Johnson, executive vice-president of the Union Lumber Company, San Francisco, left April 14 on a six week's business trip to Southern and Eastern cities.

Announces New Insulating Brick Sidlng

Minneapolis, Min.nesota, March 25.-A new Insulating brick siding for modernizing the outside walls of all types of frame buildings has been announced by The Insulite Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Insulite Graylite Board forms the base material of Briklite and is completely enveloped with a coat of high melt point asphalt. Mineral granules are applied to the surface which is then embossed, giving the finished product a remarkably close resemblance to clay brick products. Available in two colors, red and bufi, with all edges shiplapped, four design styles are manufactured, making possible the application of conventional brick patterns. To conceal joints between units a corrugation appears on the surface edge of the siding.

Further information may be obtained by writing to The Insulite Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Joseph Weston Addresses Archttects And Engineers

Joseph Weston, Southwestern representative, Douglas Fir Plywood Association, gave an interesting discussion on Douglas Fir plywood to a group of architects and engineers, Friday evening, April 2I, at the Mona Lisa Cafe, Los Angeles. An exhibit sh,owing the various uses was also of interest to the grou,p. A Dutch lunch was served after the meeting. Mr. Weston will spend the greater part of May with the Spring ,clinic of the Iowa Lumbermen,s Association, and will atterrd nineteen group meetings which will be held at various points in the State. The first meet_ ing will be held at Mason City, May 1.


f't gur Fre-sno ycrd we cq''y complete stocks or usG wecrtherwood Insulction Boqrds cr$ psc Red roplnsulcting wool, Diuglas riicommons cgrd clecrrs, Bedwood, Red cedqr shingles, Flywood cnd ocrk Flooring.

At Ocklcrnd we speciclize in Douglqs Fir Commons, Rough Clears cnd Finish.

The Chance He Missed

Mark Twain is reported to have lost a fortune investing in worthless schemes of various sorts. He had one great chance, and missed it. In after years he told the story of the tall, spare man, with kindly blue eyes and eager face, who called on him, carrying a strange-looking implement under his arm. Yes, it was an invention, and the tall man explained it to the humorist, who listened courteousln and then told him no, he had been burned too often, and did not care to try again.

"But I'm not asking you to invest a fortune," said the man. "You can have as large a share as you wish for five hundred dollars."

But Mark Twain was firm this time. He refused, but as the tall man sadly left, the humorist asked his name. In after years he remembered the reply well.

"My name is Bell" he said. "Alexander Graham Bell."

And that funny-looking thing under his arm was the first telephone.

No Amateurs Wanted

"That farm boy tried to kiss me," said the firit City Girl to the second City Girl, with whom she was vacationing in the country, "and he said he had never kissed a girl before."

"And what," asked the second City Gid, "did you do?"

"f told him nothing doing" said the first. "I'm no agricultural experiment station, you know."

Swimming At Night

By Oriana AtHnson

We went down through the summer, to the sea, Slipped from our robes and to the ebbing tide Completely gave ourselves; so hushed were we So filled with some strange glamour, that beside

The wash of heavy ripples on the beach

There was no sound. We bent and touched our lips

Against the moon, now well within our reach, And trailed her glory with our fingertips.

The silence cradled us; we were caressed

By wine-warm waves, and by the cooler air

That licked white brow and scarcely. breathing breast; The nibbling seaweed caught our floating hair, And seemed to urge us gently, gently down. How lovely, had we only dared to drown !

Know Yourself

Within us all there are wells of thought and dynamos of energ:f that are not suspected until emergencies arise. Then oftentimes we find that it is comparatively simple to double or treble our former capatities and to amaze ourselves by the results achieved. Quotas, when set up for us by others, are challenges which goad us on to surpass ourselves. The outstanding leaders of every age are those who set up their own quotas, and constantly exceed them.-Thomas J. Watson.

The Old Oil

Wife: "Mrs. Jones has on anottter new hat."

ffusband: "Well, if she were as atrtactive as you, my dear, she wouldn't have to waste so much money on millinery."

Finding Happiness

By Vash Young

For me, happiness came from prayer to a kindly God, faith in a kindly God, love for my fellow man, and doing the very best I could every day of my life. I had looked for happiness in fast living, but it was not there. I tried to find it in money, but it was not there, either. But when I placed myself in tune with what I believed to be fundarnental truths of life, when I began to develop my limited ability, to rid my mind of all kinds of tangled thoughts and fiU it with zeal, and courage, and love, when I gave myself a chance by treating myself decently and sensibly, I began to feel the stimulating, warm glow of happiness, and life for me began to fow like a stream between smooth banks.

His Line

The Warden said to the new arrival at the penitentiary:

"We will put you to work where you can be the most useful. What can you do best?"

"{ell," said the newcomer, "if you'll give me a week's practice, I can sign dl your mail and checks for you."

Your Attitude

If you are interested in making a LIVING, then nobody can help you much. But if you are interested in making A LIFE, then get serious about your affairs, make the necessary sacrifices for success, and you will be surprised how interested others will become in YOU.

The above illustration shows one of pieces of equipment the Fox-Woodsum has on the road today. The company Colton, Glendale, Pasadena, Redlands head offices at Glendale.

the ultra modern Lumber Company operates yards at and Rialto. with

Starting with horse and wagon almost thirty years ago, Fox-Woodsum delivery equipment is a familiar sight on the highways of Southern California and has kept pace with this fast growing section of the State. i.

A complete "up-to-the-minute" mill and adequate stocks add to the service that the company is equipped to give its customers. This firm has operated on the theory that there is a difference in lumber, and to ofier to the public

9t*-1112u4*ro fla,L llldpn Orltuer+

only quality materials is to best serve its needs.

Frank L. Fox is president; H. Park Arnold, J. F. Woodsum and W. E. Hewitt are vice-presidents; Earl E. Baldwin is secretary.

Lumbermen Meet At San Mateo

Alvin Hatch, Alvin S. Hatch Lumber Company, Half Moon Bay, presided at a meeting of some forty lumbermen, and city and county officials at the Hotel Benjamin Franklin, San Mateo, Tuesday evening, April 11 to discuss better building construction. Mr. Hatch, well known retail lumberman, is also a San Mateo County Supervisor.



- Blinds Doors John Lor Angclcr

Exchcbge rrirrice-dealcr'r ultrcqted lubcr lor our Chroncted Ziac Chloridc riocl: plua chcrgo lor troqtilg. Trectbg deqler'r om lunrbcmill rhirr Eoltr lo our dock or trucl lotr lro dedcr's ycrd.

60t WEST EIFTH ST., Lor Aacreter 333 MOlfTGKtllERY Sf., Sar Frcicimo J, lL&amn t Co,

Recdy lor bocrt trip cround the Hcrrbor' Below: lelt to right-Bert McKee crrd George Clough'

Four hundred retail lumber dealers, representing all sections of Southern California, were guests of the San Pedro Lumber Company at a large Get-Together, Saturday afternoon, April 22, at the company's wholesale yard in San Pedro.

A fine barbecue lunch was served in the office building at 1:00 p.m. The members of the Harbor Board were also present and were introduced to the gathering by A' B' M.K.e, Jr., general manager of the San Pedro Lumber Company, and included Glenn Arbrogast, president of the Board, Commissioners Eugene Overton, George Moore and Abe M. Rosenfeldt, and Arthur Eldridge, general manager of the Harbor. Mr. McKee also called on John W' Fisher, George Swartz, George Lounsberry, Frank Curran, Harry Lake and Kenneth Smith to stand and take the customary bow.

A fountain pen and pencil set was awarded to the two dealers coming the longest distance' First prize went to George Hilton, assistant manager' Needles Lumber Co'mpany, Needles, and the second prize was presented to H' L' Christian, owner and manager of the Christian Lumber Company, Blythe.

There was a showing of The Small Home Service Plan Portfolio, courtesy of Carl Spaulding; Pre-Cut Framing, courtesy Ted Coombs, West Coast Lumbermen's Association; Builders Control Service Information, courtesy of R. M. Anderson; Curtis woodwork; Owens-Illinois glass blocks; USG insulation; Sisatkraft, and special lumber products. A trip was also made through the mill and yard'

The San Pedro Lumber Company's personnel were on hand for anyone desiring information and were easily identified by their nautical caPs.

Departure of two boats from the d'ock at 2:3O p.m. took the group for a tour of the Harbor, special representatives from the Harbor department acting as guides.

Bert McKee and his force were the recipients of many splendid compliments for an enjoyable time. sell Hcrrdwoods.

USG Announces Highly Selective Line Of New Insulating \(/ool Products

Chicago-Announcement of a completely revised, fully perfected and highly selective line of new insulating wool products has just been released by the United States Gypsum Company.

Embracing advanced and distinctive features of outstanding importance, this new line, it is stated, represents a long step ahead in research, manufacture and beneficial results to both builder and user.

It is reported also to answer practically all the leading questions and problems which have naturally arisen in a market which has grown so swiftly and so widely in so short a time.

These questions have been set up as a perfect yardstick against which to measure the 11 ideal points which, it is claimed, all insulation should have and which the new USG Red Top line now possesses.

The "11 ideal points" are heat resistance; range of conductivity; assured effectiveness; durability; light weight; I,ow heat capacity; resistance to condensation ; ease of installation; resistance to fire; care of health; and range of costs.

How well the company has met these requirements can be realized through a quick description of certain noteworthy developments.

The mat of Fiberglas, long known for its effective insulating and light-weight qualities, is now blanketed by an effective vapor barrier on the warm side, and a porous breather paper or "envelope" on the cold side, which, together with an automatic air-spacing flange, provide a new and better condensation control.

This new "blanket" form of wool is made available in both ro11 and batt types; and in three different thicknesses-inch, medium and full thickness-providing a wide range of type and cost for any particular job under any conditions.

The long, strong, enduring fibers of Fiberglas are bound together with a special binder which combines a character of rigidity with a lively spring action. It permits the mat to slrring back when compressed, thus enabling it to hold its place snugly between studs by its own inherent action. It also allows for easy tailoring and quick application. "Bound to Stay Put" is an apt descriptive phrase.

These remarkable new features, together with other basic advancements, combine to meet the yardstick of ideal insulation, that should be welcomed by both the trade and consumer.

Dealers will be able to meet all requirements, the company states, with one standard, self-contained unit insulation with a known rating, produced with undeviating precision and thoroughly proved by the most painstaking laboratory tests.

The company further announces that dealers are now being stocked with this new product and should be ready to supply all demands.

Alameda Yard Gets Big Redwood Order

Loop Lumber & Mill Company, Alameda, recently received a contract to supply 640,000 feet of 2x8 T & G Redwood for the U. S. Naval Air Station. Alameda. This will be used for roof material for hangars. The order will amount to 32 carloads.

o \flh_eeler Osgood lO-point doors are trade-marked and guaranteed for your protection. The WOCO or LAMINEX tiademark -on the doors you sell gives you a real sales advantage and the assurance of satisfied customers. There are more than 45 years of precision manufacturing experience behind "the Country's Most Complete Line ol Doors" and a workable plan to help you SELL them. Write for the details of the 10-10 Sales Plan. There is no obligation.

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