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5{!i Loavenrorb St. Sca Francirco
PBorpcct 3810
9oulhorn Brporntctlrr BOBENT
I. C. Dlomo, Pro; cld -Troo.; J. E. llcrEn, VlcrpioiJ W. T. ftccf, Sccrltqy -- - Pubt!.L.d tlo ld cad t5th ol .act aooth ct
, bcoryoratrd undrr thc lcs ol Cclilonic
3lE-I9-20 C.!bd pu|ldbg, lg8 -W.!r Slxth 8rr..r, Lo Aagdor, Cd., fcbphoao VIadtLr 1565 Eatcnd o S.coad.cla.r acttrr Soptrabor 25, I-Sl, at tho pct-Oticc qi Lor Aagobe, Cqtltonric,-urdor |,a ol ffarcU a; t879 ----
Cafifornia Panel & Yeneer Company
Expands-Enters Insulation Field
The California Panel & Veneer Company, 955 South Alameda Street, Los Angeles, announce their appointment by the National Gypsum Company as distributors of Gold Bond Insulation Boards and Hardboards in Southern California, with the exception of Riverside and San Bernardino Counties.
Their entrance into the insulation field is in keeping with the policy of this progressive concern which was started in l9l7 by Howell N. Baker. The California panel & Veneer Company has constantly increased their personnel and stocks to keep pace with the times and still remains the oldest and one of the largest distributors of plywood in the West.
One of their departments which furnished steel tubing for airplane manufacturers and other industrial lines becarne the Baker Steel &.Tube Company in L936, when this associated concern was organized as a corporation, for whom a new warehouse and office was recently built. The warehouse they formerly occupied has been taken over bv the California Panel & Veneer Company, thus greatly increasing their warehouse space and facilities foi handli.,g the many items now stocked. They now have delivery doors on Alameda Street, 14th Street, and McGarry Streei.
Other lines which have been recently added to the regu_ lar stock of plywoods include Cal-Board hardwood pr.rll., a sensational new economy plywood, and New Londoner hardwood hollow core doors manufactured by the American Plywood Corporation.
The officers of California Panel & Veneer Company are: Mrs. Maude J. Baker, president; Geo. R. Stratemeyer, vicepresident; W. F. Fahs, secretary-treasurer, and R. Mulholland, manager.
Cargo Shipments From Paciftc Northwest
Cargo shipments of lumber from the Pacific Northwest in March as reported by the Pacific Lumber Carriers' Association, San Francisco, totaled 74,72I,7ffi f.eet. Deliveries at the various ports were as follows:
Nice Remodeling Job
Hayward Mill & Lumber Co., Hayward, recently completed remodeling and modernizing the display room and hardware department.
Rents Going Up
A survey conducted in 64 cities brought the consensus of opinion among experts that residential rents will go higher in most American cities during the year 1940.