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"> dozcns ol salcs opporlunitics on evely building or home

' Numetal-the nationally advertised, national- ly known, everlasting spring Bronze strip for ly Br windows and doors, and for 20 20 years consid- ered the most practical and efficient type of weather 8trip. The 11 exclusiv€ I of 'ip. exclusive it coilinq, Numetal is features not permit always in straight lengths.

The Standard of Quality. Be safe: Sell and recommend Nu-Calk for any and all calking Jobs. Proot of its quality has been proved by many years of use and laboratory tests. Nu-Ca{< meets government require-] mcnts.

The ORIGI NAL plastlc compound for glazing wood saah and all general patch- ing purposes. Does not dry out, crack or peel. Applied like putty-but clean to handle, Sets to rubber-like corsiEtency.



"sPEEll LoAlls" mrrnm: ALAGRoME, Metal trlm is taking the

Savc 4OVo labor on every calking Job. Load or reload guns in 10 seconds. Inside of gun barrel always clean as new.

Nu-Glaze sells and r€- peats. Every sale makes you a fair profit. Hundreds of uses including boat work of all kind6, setting plumb- ing flxtures, etc. Nu-Glaze is the original, dependable compound.

Of the many Nu. country by storm. Go af51 -sn1ne.s__191]! ter this profttabte business ttnq a practrcat ivpi-roi eibii-'"e: with Nu-Art-the complete quirement. line. Fast service.

GHROMIUM, BRASS, STAIIIIESS STEET for Kitchen Sinks, Tables, Counters, Stairs, Walls, Baths

The new, improvedr adjustable Nu-Way Screen Door Grille-that can be installed by anyone in five minutes without cutting or special fitting, is a popular, profltable item that you can't afford to be without. Also the Nu-way Push Grille in Senior and Junior sizes. May we send you complete details.

On every modernization or new construction job there's many oppor"tunities for profit and real service and satisfaction to your customers with MacklanburgDuncan Company Quality Products. Right now is the time to renew selling effods on these practical. efficient and profitable items. Order needed stocks today. Merchants not acquainted with oirr lines should write for catalog todaY.

Macklanburg-Duncan Products are created FIRST, to b€ of utmost practlcabillty for the consumer-items that can be installed qulckly and satlsfactority by the most inexperienced. That makes easy selling, repeat buslness and profits. A,nd in every Macklanburg-Duncan product you will find honest quality and work' manshipthings you must have to keep the god-will of your customers.

Brass, Bronze, Stainless Steel, Aluminum hfu m ,A,L -widest varietv on the market and takes w l!ffi-95 ::i:,;' "??,.i"111"fr?ll;"fill' $":,:i W "tdfJr=o desisn6 ffeated for any job.

Other Products

Special Window & Door Equipment

Metal Screen Frame Stock

Cast Signs, Plaques & Tablets

Sliding Door Equipment

Brass & Aluminum Thresholds

Automatic Door Bottoms

Steel Casement Weather Strlp

Rolled Bindings & Edgings

Ventilator Grilles

Push Bars, Plates, Etc.

Special Shapes, Cast, Rolled, Stamped

A post card will bring you latcrt catalog and price lirt'

RG - ltu lt GAll G0. illfilfiffily,"?l^:

(Continued from Page 6) founded first public library, harnessed the lightning in a modest way, and became the richest man of his day and generation. ***

,i' Ben Franklin worshipped two gods here on earth-work / and thrift. He was the greatest preacher, teacher, and I practicer of thrift this nation has ever known. He f U"f"rr"d that from thrift all good things come, and that I

I few good things come without it. With regard to religion this great thinking man had the simplest of beliefs. He \ said he believed that the Power that put him here and cared for him here was well able to care for him wherever he was going when he left here, and he did not propose to :vorry further on the matter.

* rl. !S

ITo acknowledge a mistake is simply to admit that you are wiser today than you were yesterday. The only men who make no mistakes are infallible; and a man who considers himself infallible is cracked. AU big men mahe many mistakes-and admit them. The sure sign of his bigness is his willingness to make such admissions. It is a mighty small soul that meets honest and courageous criticism with arrogance and vindictiveness.

J. P. Morgan, the elder, once said that he would unhesitatingly lend a million dollars to a man of the right character; that credit was simply character. When asked what character consisted of, he said: "Morality, intelligence, and right intent." He said when a man came to him for financial assistance, the first thing he asked was not "what is your collateral?" but rather "what is your record, what are your intentions, what are your morals, what is your intelligence?"


Today if a man of that sort of "character" asked a banker for a loan, instead of the questions Mr. Morgan said he asked, Mr. Banker of today would ask "how much less can you us€, how much interest can you pay, and how soon can you return what little I let you have?" Helpfulness, in banking today, is found only in the dictionary.

One change in present-day banking annoys me most of all For years and years the banks advertised to the small fry of the nation, the housewife, the wageFearner: "Keep your money in the bank-pay.by check." And millions fell for it, and got into the habit. Today if your wife tried keeping her house money in the bank and paying by check the service charge would give her an overdraft every month. "Things have changed since Willie died."


Elbert Hubbard wrote a generation ago: "Ife who makes war on business removes the houses, takes bread from mouths, leaves naked to the storm. replaces confidence , hope with dread, love with hate, and robs meny'their right to work This country was built on 'We are a nation of workers, builders, inventors, tors, and producers." {<

How truel Business built this nation. We created our own power and greatness- Wy'did not inherit it. We dug it from the ground, from the earth, transported, manufactured, refined ag{rnerchandised it, until we became richer and stronger any nation has ever been; likewise Our power and glory was built on business. J9lfi Enterpriser was the citizen who did it all. And our prosperity and happiness will depend entirely the continued health and happiness of free

Some men cultivate their faults hoping that some nice girl will take pity on them and marry them to reform them.

New Yard In Sacramento

Bill Phillips has started a new lumber yard on H Street, near the American River, Sacramento. He was formerly with Moore & Garlick, W. P. Fuller & Co., and Burnett & Sons. Sacramento.












Friendly Dealers Service

Sweet words in these trying dcys when you're in cr rush. No dealer warehouse is big enough todcry to ccrry the v<rriety of things needed hourly by the building industry' None would be iustified economiccrlly . . so grecrt would be the demcrnds lor storcrge spcce, investment, cnd wcrre' house personnel. Our investnent is mcrde so thcrt you will not hcrve to plcce these burdens on Your orgcnizcrtion Our wcrrehouses cre yours io dr<rw lrom. Our senrice has been built up through the yecrs crnd we feel iustly proud thct our customers call it "Friendly Declers Service."

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