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Santa Cruz Yard Has Handsome New Building
Above is shown a picture of the new office and rvarehouse building of Hebbron Lumber Company, Santa Cruz, Calif. It is one of the best looking lumber yard offices in the State and it will be well worth any lumberman's while to go and see it when visiting Santa Cruz.
The walls of the building are of Ginch concrete to comply with fire regulations. Redwood Rustic is used on the outside. The main office is 32 feet wide and 27 f.eet deep. Effective use has been made on the inside walls of lxl2 moulded edge Redwood paneling, applied vertically on the upper part of the walls and horizontally on the lower part. The vertical paneling is finished with driftwood grey stain.
The private office is finished in natural Redwood. Ceilings of both offices are of Certain-teed insulating board. The floors of the offices and warehouse are of concrete and the office floors are covered with Johns-Manville green floor tile. A fireproof Bx12 concrete vault has been built to take care of the books and office records.
A remarkable feature of the main office is the counter, made from a single piece,27 inches wide and 32 feet long.
The warehouse at the rear is 24x6O feet. This houses stocks of sash, doors, panels and veneer. One room just off the office displays the stock of builders' hardrvare and paints. This yard specializes in Martin-Senour paints. Certain-teed roofing is carried.
Certain-teed l5-inch, thick butt shingles were used on the front part of the roof, and Dri-Lap corrugated sheets on the back.
All of the Redwood used in the building was supplied by Monterey Bay Redwood Company. The nerv building replaces the temporary structure which was used as an office since the former office building was destroyed in an incendiary fire about three years ago.
The yard is well arranged for the convenience of customers. It is all hard surfaced and has two driveways. About 65 per cent of the lnmber sales are of Redwood.
Lloyd M. Hebbron is president of Hebbron Lumber Company. He is well known and liked both locally and throughout Northern California lumber circles. He is naturally a great booster for Santa Cruz, which is growing in importance as a summer and tourist resort.
Arizona Dealers Will Hold Annual at Grand Canyon M.y 17 -18
The Retail Lumber and Building Material Dealers Arizona will hold their 26th an.nual convention, May 18, 1940, at Grand Canyon, Arizona.
Promoting Redwood Sales
of 17-
Secretary Chris Totten says: "It will be an old-time Arizona lumbermen's convention. Wholesalers, manufacturers, their wives, sweethearts, and all our friends are invited. We ask them to come one, come all, and we guarantee to send them home talking to themselves."
The officers of the Association are: George Reitzer, Clifton Lumber & fmprovement Co., Clifton, president; Albert Stacy, Bassett Lumber Co., Douglas, first vice-president; J. F. Olds, Olds Bros., Winslow, second vice.president, and Chris Totten, Phoenix, secretary.
A record-breaking attendance is anticipated.
The Solano Steamship Co. has been organized and incorporated and has purchased the steamer Solano, now in repair at the General Engineering and Dry Dock Corporation in Alameda. The boat has a capacity of 1,100,000 feet and will run steadily between Newport, Ore., and San Francisco, carrying lumber for the C. D. Johnson Lumber Corporation. The steamer will be managed by Lawrence-Philips with offices at 7I4 West Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles.
Harrison Wilson, who recently became a member of the staff of the California Redwood Association, will call on architects, builders, and lumber dealers in the San Francisco Bay area in the course of his sales promotion work for Redwood.
Mr. Wilson is well equipped for the work as he is a graduate of the Pratt Institute of Brooklyn. He practiced architecture for a time after graduation and then turned his talents to sales promotion work in the home equipment field. He has held executive positions with several nationally known manufacturers of home equipment.
Kenneth Smith and Mrs. Helen Markuske of Los Angeles, formerly of Brooklyn, N. Y., were married at the Saint Joan of Arc Church, Las Vegas, Nevada, on April 14. They spent their honeymoon in San Francisco.
Mr. Smith is secretary-manager of the Lumber and Allied Products Institute of Los Angeles.
Enjoys Editorials
Surely do enjoy your editorials. With pleasure the enclosed.
Val Baskett, Baskett Lumber Company, Whittier, Calif.