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Retail Dealers Will Maintain Fron Tlte Ornate To The Simple Services Under New \fPB Building Order
The construction industry, long in uncertainty as to the course that would be charted for it by the War Production Board, is planning new services for home-owners and farmers which will conform to the new WPB building order, according to Northern and Southern California Homes Foundations. Retail lumber dealers are equipped and prepared to maintain essential services of building supply in their communities, as their part in the war effort, the Foundation says.
"The basic effect of the order will be to bring a closer working relationship between the retail lumber dealer, the contractor, and the community they serve," states Bernard B. Barber and Orrie W. Hamilton, Foundation Chairmen. "One of its most important clauses exempts Maintenance, defined as 'the upkeep of a building, stru,cture or project in sound working condition,' and Repair, defined as 'the restoration, without change of design, of any portion of a building, structure or project to sound working condition.'
"In general, the retail lumber dealer will be able to furnish, in any area, materials for repair and maintenance of existing structures; and limited amounts of materials for new construction and remodeling. Now, as never before, the local lumber dealer is the authority to consult on a1l building needs and what may be done to meet them."
Discontinues Business
The Montebello Lumber Company, Montebello, has discontinued business and the stocks have been purchased by the California Lumber Company. M. V. Chapin, who managed the Montebello Lumber Company for the past nineteen years, has not announced his future plans but will first take a vacation for a while.
Thir rturdn old home ir represen- tetive of sevcral huodrcd postVictorian structure. Thc framework of houser like thir is ar strong and rturdy ar the day it was installed, making it pcsiblc to save much of thc original valuc by transforming tte old into a modcrn rtylc pro- viding the neighborhodd warrants thc cxpenditura
As a rulc, most old houses, well locatcd, can bc madc to provide norc modera spacc at lcss crst thao e new residcnce. Houscs built in thc early 1900's are easy to alter because thcy arc unusually spaciouq and their modernization is morc e problem of elimination of "datcd' detaib thaa the additioa of new building naterials.
California Cement Output Sets Record
California's twelve cement plants turned out a record total of 19,531,600 barrels of cement last year. State Mineralogist Walter W. Bradley reported the value--$24,28,694 -was second only to that of. 1927,
Mr. Bradley's records put 1940 output at 13,955,255 barrels, worth $L7,673,n2 at the plants.
One Coat Oil Base Paint Produces Sand Finished EJ{ect
Lumber dealers in all parts of the country are making a big effort to increase their paint sales this spring. One specialty that is helping dealers to increase their volume is "Sandifect" wall paint, a one-coat oil base paint made by the Oakley Paint Mfg. Co., Los Angeles.
"Sandifect paint for interiors is designed for converting smooth wall surfaces i.nto a rough finish and produces a sand finished effect," said R. H. Oakley, head of this concern, recently to a representative of this paper.
"It is particularly adapted for use on hard board, veneer, plywood and various wallboards. Sandifect dries with a dull finish, withstands washing and has the durability of highest grade wall paints, combining the qualities of economl, appearance, durability and practicability.
"With one coat of this material any surface may be transformed into a lasting and washable sand finished wall or ceiling-a beautifying effect for the home, office or store that is easily kept clean because of the tough and elastic oil paint film it produces. Sandifect wall paint is an economical product that spreads upwards of 350 to 4O0 square feet per gallon.
"Sandifect is easy to apply and requires no skill whatever to obtain pleasing and satisfactory results. It is made in white and eight tints. Walls that are not uniform and full of peeled paint spots may be converted into good looking walls by using one coat of this paint.
"Exterior Sandifect paint is a durable oil base product made exclusively for outside use. It may be satisfactorily applied to any surface, wood, concrete or plaster, where a sand finish efiect is desired. This product provides a method for finishing plywood and other materials now more commonly used on exteriors. With only one coat a pleasing sand finish effect may be produced at low cost. It is made in white and light tints, and both exterior and interior Sandifect can readily be tinted with Oakley colors in oil."
Closes Yard
Hayward Lumber & Investment Company has closed its yard at Banning and the stock of merchandise and lumber has been purchased by the Dill Lumber Company. Frank Carde, Hayward's manager, will remain in. Banning for a short time to close up the company's affairs there.
Suppliers Inventory Limitations Order No. L-63
On April 6, the War Production Board issued release WPB 806 and Suppliers Inventory Limitations Order L-63. Neither the WPB release nor the Order itself made entirely clear the fact that the inventory limitations were to apply to metal products and as a result there was wide misunderstanding of this order both in industry and the War Production Board.

The National Retail Lumber Dealers Association made specific recommendations on April 11 that some thirteen types of products normally handled by retail lumber dealers be specifically exempted from Order L-63. These products are as follows: Lumber, Plywood (Except exterior waterproof plywood grades using phenolic resin glues), Wood shingles, Millwork, Fence posts, Poles, Wallboards (plaster and fiber), Cement lime and plaster, Paints, Clay products, Asphalt roofing and siding, Asbestos cement roofing and siding, and Insulation materials (rigid, fill and batt types).
The Association has been advised that a directive is being issued specifically eliminating the thirteen products mentioned above, from the limitations of Order L63.
For other items which the retail lumber dealers handle and are subject to inventory control, the following points should be noted:
1. Dealers in the Eastern and Central zones are required to limit their inventories to twice the dollar value of sales of specified types to supplies which they shipped from stock in the second preceding calendar month.
2. Suppliers located in other time zones may have inventories equal to three times the corresponding amount.
3. Dealers whose total inventory at cost of any one type is less than $20,000, and less than $10,00O for any one of the listed types of supply are exempt from the terms of the order.
Dealers alfected by the order are required to keep records of their inventories and sales on Form PD-336.
Build New Office Building
Belvedere I-umber Company, 4747 East Third Street, Los Angeles, recently completed construction of a new, modern office building. The firm sells a complete line of lumber, building materials, and Pabco paints. C. H. Pipkin and T. F. Grenshaw are the proprietors.