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Lumberman Desires Employment
Experienced lumberman desires emplo5rment as retail yard manager, assistant manager, clerk, or general office work. California experience. Go anywhere. References.
Address Box C-944, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles.
New Shipyard at Stockton
Grading of a SO-acre site of city owned land on the north bank of the Stockton Ship Channel for a major shipyard was started April 6 by the George Pollock Company of Sacramento..
The concern, to be known as the Pollock-Stockton Shipbuilding Co., expects to start building combat-type ships for the United States Navy about July 1 of this year, and to have the shipyard fully completed about August 1. The site is within the citv limits of Stockton.
Charles E. Shaw
Lumber Yards For Sale
We have a number of good yards in Southern California for sde. Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, S0l Petroleum Building, Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.
War Substitutes Display
San Francisco, April ZS-Cloth (50/o redwood bark fibre, 5A/o wool), a dog house of rolled masonite, redwood drainpipes, papier mache flower pots, a plastic screen, and a host of other articles manufactured from substitute materials are part of the War Substitutes Display, a new feature which opens this week at the War Production Board's Subcontracting Exhibit at the Hotel Whitcomb, San Francisco. The nerv display has been designed by Exhibit Manager R. W. Hawksley to stimulate interest in making essential articles u'ith substitute materials.
Charles Everett Shaw, 59, passed away suddenly in San Francisco from cerebral hemorrhage, April 17.
He was office manager and in charge of the credit department of The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco, and had been with this company for 31 years. He was born in Pescadero, Calif.
Mr. Shaw is survived by his widow, Mrs. Nellie A. Shaw. a daughter, Mrs. Lois Copriviza, a son, Hale Charles Shaw, and two sisters.
He was a member of Eel River Masonic Lodge, Calif.
Funeral services were held in San Francisco on
A. B. Davis
Fortuna, April 20.
Alexander B. Davis, head of the A. B. Davis Lumber Co., San Francisco, passed away at his home in Alameda, Calif., on April 13.
After a number of years of experience in the lumber industry in the Pacific Northwest he established himself in business in San Francisco about 1O years ago. I{e was a native of Wisconsin.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Ruth F. Davis, and three daughters.
He was a member of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce and the San Francisco Commercial Club.
Edwin F. Larson
Edwin F. I-arson, well known Northern California lumberman, passed away in San Jose, Calif., on April 12 fiter a long illness. He was associated with the McElroy Lumber Company at Palo Alto for some time before his illness, and for some years before that with Hill & Morton, Inc., Oakland. He was identified with association work for many years as secretary of the San Jose Lumbermen's Club.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Elizabeth R. Larson, and two sons, Edwin B. and Russell A. Larson. Ife was a native of Iowa.
Mrs. Mabel M. Bird
Mrs. Mabel M. Bird, wife of Charles G. Bird, widely known Stockton retail lumberman, passed away in Stockton on April24.
Besides her husband she is survived by two sons, Donald G. Bird of Stockton and Robert M. Bird of Sacramento. two sisters and a brother.
Funeral services were held in Oakland on IVIonday, April 27.
Charles E. Helms
Charles E. Helms, 57, retired vice-president of the McCormick Steamship Co., San Francisco, and former vicepresident of Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., passed away at his home in Hillsborough, Calif., on April 20, following an illness of six months.
He leaves a widow, Mrs. Sylvia lIelms, two daughters, Mrs. James W. Miller and Patricia Helms, and two sons, Talbot and Charles Peter Helms.
He was a member of the Family Club of San Francisco. Funeral services were held in Burlingame on April 22,