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Curtis Introduces New Low-Cost Woodwork lor Defense Homes

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Curtis Companies Incorporated, manufacturers of Curtis Woodwork and Silentite Windows, announced recently the addition to their line of a full selection of new architect-designed stock woodwork for low cost homes. "New Woodwork in Tune with the Times" is the Ttitle on the cover of a very attractive portfolio showing the new line. The designs include entrance frames, mantels, and china casesall beautiful in design, well made, and low in cost.

"We feel," states a Curtis official, "that it is both possible and practical to put good design, beauty, and sound construction into the woodwork for these small homes going up everywhere in defense areas. The trend for quite a while has been toward the small home. We retained the services of outstanding architects to design for us, for mass production, beautiful little doorways that will grace any home, china cases, and mantels that lvill add a touch of beauty and comfort to tl,e small houses as well as serve practical purposes.

"In the consideration of design and detail, every thought was given to economy without sacrificing beauty. We feel that in these small homes are people who are just as much interested in good things today as they ever were. The war has not changed our appreciation for good design in our houses, no matter what the size or cost."

The new Curtis entrances are very good looking and are quite suitable for small homes. There are several styles so one house need not look just like another. The china cases fit low ceiling rooms and small rooms, but each one is stylish and beautiful in detail. The same is true of the new Curtis mantel line.

Architects, builders, and dealers are loud in their praise of the new low cost Curtis Woodwork line. ,,It,s very much in tune with the times," one large builder stated. "We welcome it because it provides the much needed design and style that so many low cost houses lack. We must remember," continued this builder, "that because homes in the defense areas are much in demand today, after the war it will be necessary that these homes have some style and appeal if they are to rent or sell or otherwise change hands. I feel it is very necessary to put as much good design and sound construction as is possible into our small homes to retain values in later years. Curtis is aiding this move appreciably with their new line of stock woodwork."

Complete information and literature will be sent to interested parties upon request to Curtis Companies, Incorporated, Clinton, Iowa

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