2 minute read
California Building Permits ]or March
Gets Quick Response From Trade Mt. Hough Lumber Co. Talces Over
Trade response to the Wheeler Osgood new system of "Color-Grading" on doors has been enthusiastically received by lumber dealers, architects and jobbers throughout the United States, according to Norman Cruver, vicepresident and general manager of the Wheeler Osgood Sales Corporation of Tacoma, Washington. "We have been amazed at the popular acceptance of our new grade-identification program" Mr. Cruver stated.
In April the Wheeler Osgood Sales Corporation announced a new innovation in door grading. Every "De Luxe Grade A" door now carries an attractive Blue label securely fastened to the bottom rail of each door, featuring the grade, size, style, surface and the company guarantee. Every "Master Grade B" door carries a bright Red paper label featuring the grade, size, style and surface. Both labels guarantee U. S. Standard grades and designs.
These bright labels make it possible to see at a glance the grade of door that is specified and purchased.
Attractive sales portfolios with the complete merchandising and advertising plans were mailed to every important dealer and jobber in the United States.
Wheeler Osgood is the country's largest door manufacturer, producing a complete line of exterior and interior doors.
(Continued from Page 27) recent weeks and months, been put before the War Production Board and have had its consideration.
For the lumber manufacturing industry this Order further emphasizes the importance of diverting the production and uses of lumber and timber products so far as practicable into the channels of the war effort. Only those manufacturers who do this will expect in the long run to secure the materials, repairs and equipment necessary to keep their plants in continuing operation. The huge requirements of lumber and timber products for the direct and indirect war purposes will fully occupy the producing facilities of this industry. It may exceed them. The lumber and timber products industries have appealed to the War Production Board for its cooperation in the effort of the industry to maintain needed production. It is hoped and expected that the Board will shortly announce its plans in that direction.
Quincy Sawmill
Mount Hough Lumber Company has taken over the sawmill formerly operated by the Bridgewater and Barrington Lumber Company at Quincy, Calif. This is a band mill and it is estimated that the cut will be 20,00O,000 feet this year. The cut will be approximately 45 per cent Ponderosa Pine, 35 per cent Sugar Pine and N per cent Red Fir.
L. l. Can is president of Mount Hough Lumber Company, Ray McDonald is vice-president and general ma.n' ager, G. J. Thompson is secretary-treasurer, and Adam R. Hunter is office manager and purchasing agent.
Mr. McDonald is a well known sawmill operator, having been formerly in charge of the mill of the Hobart Estate Company at Hobart Mills, Calif.
L. J. Carr & Company, Sacramento, will handle all sales of Mount Hough Lumber Company.
W. D. (Bill) Dunning, Chamber of Commerce Building, Los Angeles, is Southern California sales representative.
Coos Bay Lumber Co. Reports Profit
Coos Bay Lumber Company reports a net profit for the three months ended March 3L, 1942 of $130,484 after all charges including a $16,043 loss from disposal of assets. This compares with a net profit of $126,103 for the same three months of last year.

Balance sheet as of March 31, 1942, shows the company has cleared up all of its note payable with the payment of $250,000 owing on December 31, 1941. Current assets at the end of the quarter totaled W2,@1, including $54,409 cash and current liabilities $518,205. On December 31, 1941, current assets were $714,394, cash $244,805 and current liabilities $814,871.
Hayward Buildg Fabrication Plant
Hayward Lumber & Investment Company, Los Angeles, has completed construction of a fabrication plant at 40/.l Sheila Street, Bandini, Los Angeles County, which will start operating early next week. The building will have 84,000 square feet under cover. They will make the prefabricated units for the contractor, and will employ 160 men. John Gorman is factory manager.