2 minute read

Bataan Mahogan y

One of the Marvelous Cabinet Products of the Tropics

Howell Baker, General Manager of The California Panel & Veneer Company, of Los Angeles, wants to "teill the world" about Bataan Mahogany.

At least, he wants to tell the lurnber world of Southern California about this great wood, because it is only in Southern California that he sells ig and then only in the shape of panels and verieers.

Bataan Mahogany is one of the speciejof Philippine Mahogany. But please don't jump to the conclusion that it is the regulation Philippine Mahogany that the trade in general knows. The building trade has come to look upon Philippine Mahogany generally as a very inferior so'rt of mahogany to the Tobasco Mah'ogany of the trorpics, and it is to disabuse their rninds of this opinion that this article is writterr

There are nritny species of "PhilippineD Mahogany on the malket, five of them, well known species. Most of them come fnom the Southern Islands of the Philippines, and are subject to the various charac,teristics well known under the name of Philippine Mahogany.

But this Bataan Mahogany is an entirely dlifferent breed of mahogany. It is produced by the Cadwallader-Gibson Company exclusively on their big concessio,ns right across the bay from Manilla, and far north of the ordinary Mahogany production.

A Typical Bataan Panel

Unlike ordinary Philippine Mahogany this species in this location is not bothered by worms, and knows no defects from worm attack. The United States Government charges twice as much for the removal of this Bataan Mahogany as they do for the ordinary Mahogany, recognizing its superior excellence in this manner.

In the Philippines it is called Tanguitle Mahogany, and the name "Bataan" is given the product by its producers because it cqmes from t-he Province of that ruune, so they use that for a trade narne.

The California Fanel & Veneer Company believes this Bataan Malrcgany to be one of the very finest cabinet woods in the world, compa.rable in every possible way; color, texture, beautlr of grain, .etc., to the finest Tobasco Mahogany.

Yet it is salable for app'roximately one third less than Tobasco Mahqgany.

"Too much praise cannot be given ttri.s beautiful species of Mahogany, and I donsider it the very best Mahogany panel and veneer stock for the money thrat is used in Sorlthern California," said Howell Baker.

The Cailfornia Panel & Veneer Conr pany carr]r this Bataan Mahogany in large and well assorted stocks ready for imrnediate delivery in panerls and veneer. Thc panels te r/+,5-16 and 3/8,bntch3 and 5 ply, and both one and two sides g,ood. These panels all have 1-16 inch face veneer. All are made with water-prool glue. They are all made in the Philippines, and the workmanship is the finest. They also carry Bataan in shape of piano bench tops, tahle tops, counter fronts, and dresser to,ps. They carr5r the Bataan veneer in 1-16 and 1-10 inch sliced.

Philippine Duali

Another interesting cabinet wood The California Panel & Veneer Company is introducing to the Southern California trade for a variety of useful purposeein the form of panels-is Philippine Duali. It is a cabinet wood that takes paint and enamel work beautifully, and is a splendid substitute in color and grain for walnut; also an excellent plain oak replacernent They carryr these, also /4 and, /s,Wh 3 and 5 ply, both one and two sides good, and they also carry it in piano bench tops, counter fronts, and^ table to,ps.

For many purposes, and at very m,oderate prices, this is a very useful panel wood

Other Panel Lines

The Cailifornia Panel & Veneer Company carry by far the largest stock of panels and veneer in Sor.r,thern California.

Besides the specialrties mentioned above, they carry a full line ready for sh,ipment of Red Gurrl Birch, Basswqod, plain and quartered white oak, Oregon Pine, Walnut, Tobasco Mahogany, and Elm-all PANELS.

Their plant is located at 955 to 965 So. Alameda Street, Los Angeles, and their mailing address.is P. O. Box 103 Arcade Station.

They have a most enviable reputation for speedy service, dependable and well assorted stocks, and a square doal for every customer. Their plant is panel and veneer headquarters for Southern California.

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