2 minute read
Gus Russell Starts Big Shingle Staining Plant in Oakland
(Spccial wire)
San Francisco, May 14.-Gus Russell, of the Santa Fe Lumber Company, author of the slogan "100 per cent Machine Stained Shingles," announces th,at his firm will immediately install in Oakland the biggest shingle staining plant in the United States. It will be equipped at once with three patent mechanical machines for staining shingles "One hundred per cent,"'and will be capable of supplying the needs of the California trade, and giving quick service, ,and early delivery.
Since he started sell'ing machine stained shingles three months ago Mr. Russell has become more and more i,mpressed with the necessity for a pl,ant of large caliber located right in cen,tral California, capable of serving the state.
It will be rnnning just ,as soon as the machinery can be delivered.
Arrangements have been made for the members and wives of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermens Club to visit and inspect the plant of the Diamond Match Company on May 19th, and notices have been sent out urging all members to send ,in their reservations immediately.
The following schedule will be followed on this d,ay.
10:00 A. M. meet at Main Office and go through Sash and Door Factory.
12:00 M, luncheon at Hotel Oaks.
1:30 P. M., drive to Sawmill at Stirling City, (about two hour drive).
3:30 to 5:30 P. M., visit sawmill, planing mill and wholesale yards, at Stirling City.
Lloyd Hillman Lumber Company In New Quarters
The Lloyd Hillman Lumber Company of Seattle, of which Lloyd Hillman one of the best known lum:bermen of the Nbrthwest is president, are now located in attractive offices in the Smith Building, Seattle. They occupy the thirty-third floor of the Smith Building tower, which commands one of the best views of the Northwest. In addition to overlooking beautiful Pudget Sound and the Olympic range on clear days, you are able to see \r'ancbuver Island; Mt. Baker on the north, and Mt. Ranier and Mt. St. Helens son the south. The Hillman Lum'ber Co. 'are represented in California by the Fletcher & Frambes of Los Angeles.
Tom Parcher Visits Bay District
Tom Parcher, well known lumberman of Los Angeles and Southern California representative of the Henry D. Davis Lumber Co. of Portland, was a San. Francisco visitor during the past week. Mr. Parcher dropped in to see V. W. Long, San Francisco representative of the Henry D. Daviss Lumber Co., and alsso spent several days attending to business affairs in the Bay District.
Dick Jones Calling On The Valley Lumber Trade
Dick Jones, president of the Lumber Salesmen's Club of San Francisco and-representative of the Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Company of San Francisco, is on a two weeks business trip calling on the lumber trade of the Sacramento .and San Joaquin Valley. He expects to return to San Francisco about the middle of the month.
Bohemian Club Midsummer Encampment
The Bohemi.an Club m.idsu.mmer encampment this year will commen,ce on JuJy 2l and end on August 6. The Grove Play will be presented on August 4 and the Cremation of Care and Low Jinks will be held on July 28, the second Saturday of the encampment. The encampment is always looked forward to by the members of the lumber fraternity who belong to the club and it is sone of the most ,popular affairs conducted during the sum,mer season.