2 minute read
Insulating Lumber
At The Cosf of One illaterial
Celotex combines plaster anil stucco base with highest efficiency in sound deadening and insulation. Also as a sheathing gives increased strength, combined with sound ileadening and insulation.
Celotex is ecsi/y and quicftly applied, and snves time and labor.
Celotex is the mos! durable, efficient, strongest and lightest board f orm of insulation. Can be handled the same as lumber.
Celotex will nol only mafte your home Iivable, but wiII save you approximately 33 I -3 per cent of fuel.
Celotex rs also especiallg adapted f or acoustical correclion.
Celotex can be left in the natural color or can be beautifully decorated n,ith paints, slcins or lTalsomine on walls and ceilings where applied in panel effect.
Celotex can be exposed to the nteather and is ideally adapted as an outside sheathing for seaside and mountain cottages.
There rs a use for Celotex Insulating Lurnber in eoery forn:. of building eonstruction.
Some live and up-to-date building material dealer is going to secure distributor's rights in your territory. You cannot afford to overlook the opportunity. It meana money to you. For complete information address : Wn-olesale Depart ment, Western Celotex Company.
Klicka Brotherc Compuy, San Diego, Calif.
San Diego Bldg, Supply Co., San Dicgo, Calif.
F. T. Crowe & Company, Seattle. WashTacoma. Warh.
Wertern Albertos Magneaia Co..
San Francisco, Calif.
Sacramento Stqkton Oakland
The Homer T. Hayward Lumber Co., Salinas
Santa Cruz
Atascadero Pasa Roblee
Ward Lumber Company, Moderto
Valley Homc
Geo. L. Eartrran Co- Lor Angelet, Calif.
Hania Broe., Bakersfield, Cal f.
J. D. Haletead Lumber Co. Fresno, Calif.
Flanagon Warehouse Co., Reno, Nevada
McCracken-Ripley Co., Portland, Oregon.
Manufacturerr, Chicago, Ill.
Come for BLISINESSStqv for PIAU
fHOUSANDS of people seeking rest and change I will fock to the enchanted shores and valleys of the Pacific Northwest during the next three months. They will com" by train and by automobile.
They will revel among snow-crowned mountains; they will motor over faultless roads through tremendous forests and fertile valleys; they will camp beside tumbling, fashing streams of pure, cold mountain water; they will fish in mirror-like lakes; they will sport on smooth beaches bordering the blue of salt water; they will golf and sail and swim and climb. In short, they will enjoy such a vacation as is possible only in this great "Summer Playground of America."
Now, please note this: Tacoma and Tacoma District, "The Lumber Capital of America," lie in the very heart of this magnificent vacation land, where the summer days are long and bright but never hot; where summer nights are always cool and restful, and where troublesome insects, reptiles, lightning or cyclones are unknown.
And Tacoma invites you to comet Come and bring "the folks." Here's one place where you can really combine business with pleasure. Come and gtt acquainted at first hand with America's greatest center of forest product supply and, at the same time, have a vacation the novelty and charm of which you will never forget.