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The Curse of Drink Up to Date woco
f've followed the hearse of all my hopes, I've buried them'one by one; Gaze on me, and you shall see What the curse of drink has done. I too had a wife, and child, and home, And now I'm all alone.
Oh, Gawd ! I should never have taken that first Insidious icecream cone.
But I was so young and my friends they were false, "Just one cannot hurt you" they said. So I started that night, and look at me now ! Oh, Gawd ! What a life I've led. My mother said: "Willie, lay off that vanillieThem phospates will lead you astrayThe Devil himself is in sarsaparillieAnd his den is them fountains so gay."
But fool that I was, I just laughed her to scorn "I can take it, or leave it alone."
And I drank that same day-a chocolate frappeeOh, Gawd ! If I only had known. That was the end of my downfall, my friends, From there it was easy to flit, Down the pathway of vice, to the pineapple ice, And the Hellish Banana split.
But one day an angel came into my life, "I believe in you Clarence" she said.
Atrd I loved here so dearly, for one long year nearly A temperate life I lead.
And a baby came, as babies will, And grew to a babbling child, Bdt I longed all that tim,e for the juice of one Lime, And the thought of it, drove me wild.
And I fell one day in an icecream den, And I slinked .vith a sinful slink, And I staggered home at the close of day, The victim again of drink.
That awful day is a learful dream, That will last til the day of my death.
When I kissed her, my child cried in accents so wild"You have raspberry crush on your breath."
That was the end of my happy home, And now I am all alone.
Oh, Gawd ! I should never have taken that first Insidious icecream cone.
What's to become of this wreck of a manThis pitiful, broken reed?
"Another frappee, with a straw, I say !"
Oh, Gawd ! What a life I lead.