1 minute read
Bat Oa FIoot'in F dep
It is the selection of only the best rough oak lumber.
All lumber is thoroughly air dried before being placed in kiln.
It is kiln-dried in modern moist-air kilns.
All lumbcr allowed to cool for 72 hours after kiln-drying, so that it will attain its natural condition before it is manufactured into fl@ring. Modern machinery used in ripping, which re' duces crooked flooring to a minimum.
Best side-matcher machines known, kept in perfect condition at all times, thus insuring per' fectly matched stock.
Long-Bell trade-marked oak floorine identifies-not only dependabil- ity-but economical dependability -to builders of homes-cottages and mansions alike.
A famous end-matcher machine used, making this feature of our flmring perfcct. High class, experienced graders, standing direct- ly behind the machinc, mark the gradcs as the stock is manufactured.
Chief inspector and several assistants , constantly check the grading of the men behind the machines.
All Long-Bell oak flooring is bundled with annealed wire, two pieces to each bundle. Moisture-proof sheds keep the stock in perfect conditim.
A large well assorted stock on hand at all times, cnabling us to give prompt service to our tradc.
Good average lengths shipped in all grades and sizes.
Lnng-Bell oak flooring can be identified by thc Long-Bell trade-mark on the piece.