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SHINGLES thot live lqoger servfce
Machine Dipped in Cabot's Creosote
Shingle Stain
These shingles'give longer service for two very simple reasons. First, the colors are the very best, chosen for their long life. Second, the best wood preservative known to man is creosote.
These cedar shingles are thoroughly saturated with Cabot's Creosote Shingle Stain. This prevents dry rot of the unexposed portion and splitting.
The big majority of Eastern homes use dipped shingles. They are finding a ready market here. Write us for details of this new profit maker.
Special Announcement
Messers. Clare E. Clcsbg and A. Wardman, a prominent Southern California oil man, have purchased the interest held by Mr. Ellwooil De Carmo and associales, in this company.
A more extensive policy wiII be effecteil, bg this change in ownership, and we sincerely solicit your indulgence in any requirements !,ou may have in our lines. Your past patronage is greatly appreciated and D)e trust you will allow us to co-operate with you in the future.
Our stocft is now being greally increased and within a few days wiII be at your commanil.
Last, but not least, don't forget our slogan still remains the same: "SPEED GEIS 'EM", and we will not disappoint you.