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Don't wait for your ship to come in-Swim out to meet it !
(Continued from Page 23) less of the worrisome things that may have been on his mind when he started, he leaves them all behind when he tees up the old Golf ball on the first tee, and starts in to break the .course record. From that time until the "Nineteenth Hole" has been played, and he's on his way back to town, the only thought in his cranium is getting that doggoned elusive little rubber ball down into that cup in the fewest possible strokes.
In no other game ever devised does the game completely absorb him, and he does nothing but "just play," and becomes again, in 'fact, "as a little child." In all other games there is more or less deliberate taking ofexercise. In Golf he just takes his Golf, and gets the exercise, the fresh air, the wonderful reek of the outdoors, the mental relaxation, and the excellent general exercise,-ali thrown in for lagniappe.
If he's using his Golf correctly, he goes into his work beforehand with more energy and enthusiasrn and ginger because of the coming fun and relaxation. And when it is over he goes home rvith a boyish appetite, and a feeling of youthfullness in his mind and soul that is "a jewel of great price." And the next morning he "steps on the gas" at the office just that much better because of the afternoon before,
I believe that every man should incorporate a certain