3 minute read
tftrrc of weathering onlyenrich
QLASHING rain storms, heavy snows, U and sleet, or the baking heat of a summer sun-have these been fading into drab dullness the roofsyoz built?
Nolv a hitherto unknown roofing color in siate has been found that actually grows more beautiful with use. The stress of weathgr enriches its rare color as ocean wavee deepen the tan of rocks on the shorc.
This new wealhcred brown,bwlt'rnto a wholly new type of slate-surfaced shingle, brings distinctive beauty to the modern hrme, architects say. It isespeciallyeffective when blended with other Richardson shingles of jade green, title red, or black pearl. And only in the Richardson quarries of Georgia is it found.
A super-shingle
Weathered brown is used exclusively on the Richardson Super-Giant Shingle -a unique roofing product which in addition to its beauty, offers you an unusual degree of roofing serviceability.
For example, its greater size (10'x 14') saves 35lo in cost of laying. Its 50/o greater thickness makes it last much longer, and casts a deeper shadow line on the roof. And its l\dio greater stiffness keeps it rigid in all kinds of weather and makes the whole roof twice as firm.
RICIIARDSON ls/,,'',ou"t
From the mahas of Flcx-o-lilc Ho6.lo|s, Viskall M.mbanc R@fs, Vis-hol.. Wallbard and similar Produck one by one! First-abs-lutely exclusive color effects. Second-urusual dimensions which give added life to the roof at 2( Iess in cost of laying. And finallyexceptionally high test st:.ndards in it9 materials.
Moreover, its inner materials, felt gnd asphalt, give conclusive evidence of its endurance. Richardson felt, as you know, has for the last fifty years been recognized as the best. And the asphalt which goes into it is of the highest grade raw materials refined exclusively by the Richardson process.
Prooe the Jacts yourself
A super-shingle indeed, when you weigh its points
These definite talking points-especially the exclusive cclor effects-will bring you new customers. And, ofcourse, Richardson Super-Giants are equally good for new or "over the old roof" jobs.
Send for our beautiful new color chart, together with samples of Richardwr Super-Giant Shingles in weatlured broutn and other colors. For every roofing use there is a Richardson product-from LokTop Asphalt Shingles to Rubbertex Roll Roofing with Pyramid Kaps. Just use the coupon below.
?GrucnnnpsoN coMPnr.ry
Lockland (Cincinnati), Ohio andmil this
Melroee Prk (Chicagp), IU, New Orleans, La.
Dept.t5-8, Lockland, Ohio
Pleasesend me smples of Richudson Super- Giant Shincles, vour new color chart, md further facti aboitt Richtrdson Roo6rui.
Name -----.---...--.--.
Attractisc Photografhic Plant
Alburn No. lIlcrgcrrivc Homcr.
(ll) &tcriorr
(l(D) Ftoor Phrr.
Albura No. l. All Strr Bun3rlorr.
(50) Ertcrion
(100) Floor Plrnr.
Album No. t. Stucco ead Brick Bungrlowr, (50) E*tcrion
(ld)) Floor Phor.
Albm No. {.
(50) Illortratioa.
Tro Story Homcrlirtcriori, Flatr, I)oublc Bungelorr. Garegcr'Etc.
Advcrtirina CoDt.
Dirpley Portcrr
Ilard C.olored lf,ountedPhotor
Burincrr Cerdr.
Buagelow.nd G.rrac
Crcetivc end Timcly
Dircct by Mril
Iitterr, Circulcrr, Etc.
Orn Your Orn Homc, Ncwrprpct
Crngai|n Peger.
Stctchcr and Spccirlly Prclrrrcd
Ancient Philosophers, and .even some modern, have pictured Opportunity as an old Man declining in years. They believed and taught that opportunity passed, but once in a lifetime. To refrain from accepting it at his particular favored time meant ttrat your chances for making good were lost forever.
Today we know better. Experience has taught that opportunity starts from the time we enter school and is ever ready to lend a helping hand to all who are determined, who are ready to apply consistent efforts and who really are desirous of making good.
Here the Artist is featuring opportunity as a Beautiful Woman whogc message of appeal commands consideration. She is ehowing the way to happiness, contentment, protection and ideal environments, advising all to leave congested digtricts, high rents, etc., and join the army of new homeowners who are accepting the opportunities for home ownership that are offered today.
You Building Material Merchants are Opportunity. It is you who are in a better position than any one else to advise with those of your trade territory. Tell them, show them, advise with them about new improvements. Inatill longings for new Homes, create desires for home ownerEhip by placing before them illustrated advertising copy, invite an inspection of the photographic building service which you have equipped your busine$ with and this is your opportunity to attract non-competitive business, increase galeg and make your buginess just as productive a busineee aE you would like it to be.
This attractively illustrated cut with creative advertising copy for newspaper advertising, circulars, etc., will be furnished, blocked, for $3.00.