4 minute read
A New Vbyerhaeuser ProduCt Is Now Otrered the Retail Thade
A erofitable Side Line that Does Not Compte with Aoy Other ltem of Yard Stoch
tTlHE fact that the retail lumber dealer is I handling today other items as well as lumber is a compliment to his merchandising gense.
Volumeis the biggestfactor in determining his profits. Therefore, the more complete his line, the more goods he can sell-and the more profit he can make on each job that comes up.
At the same time he is merchant enough to eee that the side lines which make him ttr6 most money are the ones he can sell frequent- ly-that give him a rapid turnover on a small investment-that cost little to handle-and that do not compete with other items he may be obliged to carry in stock.
That is why we recommend this new Weyerhaeuser product- BALSAM -WOO Las a money-maker and a business-getter for the lumber dealer today.
Every house needs insulation. In winter it means a saving of from 25% to33ld% in fuel. It is a health factor because it eliminates draughts, dust and dampness. In summer it keeps out the excessive heat just as effectively as it prevents heat loss in winter. Therefore, it makes a house more livable and more comfortable.
Whole sections of the country consider insulation today an absolute essential to a modern house for here is one part of the cost of a house thatwill return a regular dividend in substaotial fuel saving year after year.
BALSAM.WOOL, however, isn't merely an insulation. It is an efficient and an economical insulation. The U. S. Bureau of Standards gives it the highest rating of any commercial house insulation on the market. It is waterproof, windproof and fire resistant. It will not attract rats, mice or vermin. Therefore, it is sanitary. It is also durable and permanent. Thes6 things have all been tak6n care of in the years which have been spent in perfecting it.
Besides that,BALSAM.WOOL is a sound deadener.
And it can be applied to a house so oasily and so quickly and- at so slight a cost as tir bring it within the reach of every builder.
All this means a satisfactoryvolume of business for the dealer.
It costs the dealer less to handle BALSAMWOOL than other insulating materials. It is light; it weighs only 250 lbs. per 1,000 square feet. Incidently, that's one reasnn why it's an efficient insulator'. It cannot deteriorate because it oomes rolledrwrapped and sealed. And his stocks.of BALSAM.WOOL can never become broken; there can never be any odds and ends to eat into his profit. It comes in two standard widths only-L6'/ inches and 32 inches. At the same price at which other insulating materials are sold the dealer can offer a better product at a longer margin for himself.
And, because he can buy it in L.C.L. as well as carload quantities, the dealer can keep hie investment l-ow, turn his stock frequenily et a good margin on each turn and mafue a nrce profit on his year's sales.
That is why we say that the retailer who fails to investigate BAIJAM-wool- is passing up a remarkable gpngrtunity. Insulation is not new.-It is reco!. nized today as a staple building necessity.
_ In BALsAM.wooL you have a profitable and a per- fectly logical side line, capable-of increasing iour volume in slack times as well as in the busy seasons-the best product of its kind, backed by the reputation, resources and prestige of the entire w eyernaeuser organEatrcn.
You will find in your dealings with the Wood Conversion Company, who manufac. tures BALSAM-WOOL, the same spirit of fair dealing and the same business intelgity that has charactertzed this orgonization through sixty.five years of successfully serving the re. tail trade.

If you are not in position to buy a carload, put in a trial order of 5,000 or 10,000 feet. Advertisint material will be supplied you. This trial order will convince you of its sdes possibilities.
Samples, prices and com. plete information on BALSAM. woot, may be secured through our local district representa. tives or by mail addressed to our nearest branch office.
2691 Univenity Arrc. 2OS Sodth I,a Salle St Lexington Bldg. 22OBtodrwlry
The Weyerhaytq SallgsQoryFny is the combined *tting organiTation ol the folloning Wferhaeusu Mills atd Distributing P-lants:
Cloqtrt Lunber Co. . . Cloq.to, Minn. Bonners Ferry Lumber C,o. . . . Bonne6Fctry, Idaho
The-NorthemlunberCo. . . .6f<iuetrMinn. BoisePayettalumberCr.. . .noisl,faano
Johncon-Ventrvorth C,o. Cto<1uet, Minn. Snoqualmie Falls Lumber C,o. . Snoqualmie Falls,Vash.
Potlatch LumberCo. . Pofitch, Idaho WeylrhaeuserTimberCp. -. Everctt, Vash.
}IrrobirdlunberC,o... ...Saodp"intrldaho WeyerhaeuserTimberCo ...BakimorcrMd.
EdwasdRutledgeTinberCo. ...C,oeurd'Alenerfdaho ThompsonYar&rlnc.. St.PaulrMinn. Wood Conversion Go. CloquetrMinn.
Typical English Designed Enough Colonial Details Home With Just To Make It Attractive

A careful etudy of this well apportioned cxtcrior will convcy many unique detaih, unusual in a home of this size, yct producing maximum digtinctivenerr.
The alternate foor plans show diviaion and arrangement of roome in which arc cmbodicd all modern labor and time-raving conveniences.
Surely thia home if called to the attention of your procpcctive homc builderc will be a welcomed auggcetion for adoption, from which you will profit tfirough thc ealc of matcrial.
Are shingle substitutes cutting into your business?
Sell Color-Thatch and stoP it.
Color-Thatch is the perfected stained shingle-comb' grain (quarter sawn) red cedar shingles of pefi.ect grade Specifib'ations, 'entirely and evenly- impregnated with iabot's creosote shingle stain, ihrough our special process.
Color-Thatch is easy to sell. And profitable. It costs less than shingle substitutes. Its color is most durable and of softest, most appealing shades.
Stop the inroads of shingle substitutes into your business. SellColor-Thatch.

Write today for our dealer proposition, prices and complete information.
Gentlemen: Please send me dealer proporition, priccc and cornplete information about Color-Thetch.