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Plans and Progress What Busy CaliforniaLumber Here and There Folks Are Talking About
1923 National Forest Highway Program For California
San Francisco, Mav 1S.-"The Federal Government will spend $8[6,0@ in building highways in the National Forests of California this vear," announces District Forester Paul. G. Redington, of the local headquarters of the United States Forest Service. The program contemplates the construction of the five following projects, which were agreed upon in joint conference rvith the Bureau of Prrblic Roads anrl the State Flighway Com,mission, and which have been subm,itted to the Secretary of Agriculture for approval:
1. Crescent C'ity-Grants Pass Road, Siskiyou National Forest, $75,0C0. This project is a section of the Redwood Highrvay, and the appropriation made rvill provide for the continuation of construction work already started under the Federal allotment of $220,000 made last year.
2. Kern River Canyon Road, Sequoia National Forest, $1.50,000. This project covers the construction of 8.4 miles of road. which is a part of State Route No. 57, extending from the Coast Highway near Santa Maria to Owens Valley via Bakersfield and Walkers Pass. It will provide an outlet from the San Joaquin Valley to the country east of the Sierras.
3. Big Bear Valley Road Angeles National Forest, $75,C00. A forest highway which will reach Big Bear Valley Darn is now under construction, and this new project provides an exteusion which will make the terminus of the road at the center of the prlpular recreation area surrounding Big Bear L'ake.
4. Murphys-Big Trees Road, Stanislaus National Forest, $l@,C00. This construction work will improve a 15.6 mile section of the road, extending from Murphys to the region east of Lake Tahoe---one of the most no-ted sufilmer playgrounds of the State. Cooperation in the sum of about $50,000 will also be provided by Calaveras County.
5. Yuba Pass Road, Tahoe National Forest, $143,000. This project calls for the reconstruction of 13 miles o{ road across Yuba Pass !o replace the present road, wl.rich is in poor condition. IC will provide an east and west route across Sierra Countv and .also form a link of the trunk highway e.xtendir:g from Auburn to Reno via Nevada C'ity, Bownieville and the Sierra Valley.
Construction rvork on all National Fores't road projects will be started, statecl Mr. Redington, as soon as the program is approved by the Secretary of Agriculture and the necessary contra<:ts let. The work will be done under the supervision of the Bureau of Public Roads. T!9se exP9ld,ifures are in adclition to some hall million dollars which rvill be spent this year by the Forest Service on the improvemenl and construction of minor National Forest roads and trails.
White Brothers Handle Perfection Flooring
A happening of note in hardwood circles.is- the tak-ing over by Whiti Brothers of the ag119y_jor Arkansas Oak Flooring Company's well known PERFECTION BRAND Oak Fitxrring: 'rHardwood Headquarters" are now the sole distributors of PiIRFECTION over the entire Pacific Coast from Fresno North. The high regard in r,r'hich this Brand oi Oak Flooring is everywhere held makes this an enviable move.
The Coles brothers. operating the Arkansas Oak Flooring Co., are amonll the oklest manufacturers of Oak flooring and are known far and wicle for the high quality ancl excellent grading wl-rich they maintain. Their plants at Pine Bluff, Ark., and Shreveport, La.. are among the largest flooring {actories in the country.
\Vhite Brothers are now carrying an increasingly large stock of PERFEC'I'ION Oak in view of the heavy rlrovement of this flooring.
Maintaining at all times the highest standards, White Brothers accept only the agencies for the best pr,oduct in any line. Besides handling PERFECTION Oak Flooring, they are Northern Califorr-ria clistributors for Compo-Board, the wall board with a lvoocl core, and are headquarters for the famous WYBRO Veneered Panels as well as WYBROCK Bending Oak, the finest Bending Oak grown.
A new commodity with Hardwood Headquarters is the I-AMATCO WATERPROOF COTTONWOOD PANELS. LAIvIATCO is a remarkable product and its waterproof qualities are definitely established. The panels can even be boiled an<l will not come apart, thus they are appropriate for use out of cloors. LAMATCO closely re-qembles Irlm r,r'hich, as everyone knows, can be finished along with Oregon Pine stiles and rails and makes the cheapest hardwood panel known. It takes a stain, paint or enamel very satisfactorily.
Besides these manufactured commodities, White Brothers of course are headquarters for the finest quality hardrvoods both domestic and imported. maintaining the largest and most varied stock in the West which gives them the name of HARD\VOOD HEADQUARTERS.