1 minute read
Has'something to Sell
By Jack Dionne
Wh€ther it be man or woman, boy or girl, child or grown- intelligently what impression he is going to try to create.
He checks up his assets and his liabilities.
He lays his plans for bolstering up his discovered low
As we make our way through life we are constantly en- spots, and intensifying on his high lights. gaged in the game of "selling" to the rest of the w,orld. He clecides what he wants the world to think of HIN'I;
We are all trying to "seil ourselves" to those with whom what impression he wants to CREATE; and then he goes we come in contact, in the best possible way. out with his selling campaign.
We are trying to sell our stock on the market of human opinion in the most constructive manner.
We all want the "other fellow" to appreciate our best points; to grasp the best possible opinion of us.
Therefore the fundamentals of salesmanship are of interest to ALL of us.
The average man, and the average woman, ambitious thiiugh they may be, and intensely interested in making the best possible impression, whether it be of a business or personal character, does NOT appreciate the possibilities of. the situation from a SELLING standpoint, and leaves a ,i"hol" lot to chanci, Jr,
''Whe.eas the wise man leaves NOTHING to chance that he can humanly hdlp. Chance may get you something, but it may not be what you are looking for. :
The man who takes the most practical view of the thing does two primary things: he takes unbiased inventory to see what he has to sell; and he decides thoughtfully and