2 minute read
"America's Finest" Oak Flooring
ir abeoluteb fnee of Lnifs martr. Itr SUPERIOR machine work producee a polirhed 6nich which reduccr scnping and randing to the very minimum. This makec SUPERIOR BRAND populrr with contncton and f,oor layers.
The woman whose family has moved into a new towu to reside, does the same thing. She appreciates the fact that she is going to be appraised and inventoried-critically. Her appearance generally; her clothing, her rhanner, her manners-everything is going to be weighed in the balance.
'l'herefore, a "selling" c4mpaign is valuable to her as it is to her husband who invades a new business circle and wants to do his best in it.
Remember the selling thought all the tirne.
Sustain that interest by some attractive thought, idea or act.
Whether you are a new boy in a new neighborhood, approaching for the first time the neighborhood "gang,l' or a little girl who is invited to "jump rope" for the first 'time in the new school she starts attending;'the young lady who
Are You Getting Your Share of Profitable "Ceda'line" Busineas?
TeIl houtuloet hou clothcx-clo.ct. otG b.taq tho cedqt chcttt,---ohcn llned uith Btucc "Ccda'liac". Women kuos the value of @dsr sood a8 a pmautlon lgalnst moths. llere st la8t ls ldeal storage, omblnod wlth order rnd onv€nlence. Thew tacts wlU lot€rest every home oFn€r ln you vlclnlry.
Bruc€ "Ceda'llne," menuf&tured lrom kiln-drled Tenness@ aromatlc rod c€da., makesevery cloret asefroctlv€ as s @dat chest, becau& the BtrlDa are sldo and end-matched, prcvldlnf & ttght dust- proof cloget, rnd much Eore cotrv€nleDt, becouse clotheE may behung up as unil, avoldlng musslng. No extra room ls tak€n up ln the houre, yet there ls th€ storage space ol meny cn6ts.
ADy article want€d can b€ easlly lound and removed wlthout dlsturblng the rF maulder.
Shelves, dtaweB, and gEsl! comDartEentS may bo mede from cedar lumber for llnens and blrnkets.
Rcpresented by 8t|nl0il-ttt8t tt|ilBtn cotPfitY
ROLLINS A- BROWN, Dirt. Sdcr Msr.
I f 55 McCadden Place
Lol Angeler
"Ceda'llne" may b€ lmtalted ln yery tlttle tlee ove! the lath and plGt€r ol clos€ts already bullt. Don't overl@k tho opportunlty, whll€ Euppl}'lng
"Ceda'Une," o( elllng 3-8,, Bruce o&k to recover the old f@rE.
Phonc 579-904 is making her debut in society; or whatever thing THEY are trying damentals are the same. lir her father or mother in to accomplish, the fun- impressively and interhandle the effort, the
We all have something to sell.
And the more intelligently and estingly, and enthusiastically we greater will be the reward.
Sash And Door Rates Prom Northwest To East Will Be Materially Reduced
The West Coast Lumbermen's Association, of Seat,tle, announces that as a result of practically ten years' litigation before the Interstate Commerce Commission, rates on sash, do,or and mjllwork from the Pacific Coast will be substantially redtrced on or before J:uly 76th, 1923.
As an indication of what this will mean to the industry attention is called to the fact that the rate of B'alti,more will be reduced 23rlc; New York, 26lc; and Boston 29r/zc, Conservatively estimated, reparation will be somewhere between $250,000 and $400,000.
This must be done in compliance with the Interstate Commerce Commission's decision in two cases which were consolidated. One is the famous Anson, Gilkey & Hurd case (L C. C. Docket 6490) in which West Coast Lumbermen's Associati'on ,intervened to protect Coast interests ; and the other is the Eastern Sash & Door case, (I. C. C. Docket 8819) brought by West Coast Lumbermen's Association for the same purpose.
Mr. A. W. Morris, of the Morris Lumber Company, Eugene, Oregon, made a flying trip to San Francisco last week, spending two days there conferring on business matters.