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Over the Round Table
Carlson Calls On San Francisco Trade
C. C. Carlson, manager of the Turlock Lumber Company, Turlock, was a recent San Francisco visitor where he spent a few days calling on the lumber trade.
Elmore King Has New Side Line
We have heard of many reta'il lumbermen in the state carrying such sid'e lines as covering for roofs but Elmore King is carrying the most unique side line of all. He has now taken on a side line for the covering of heads. A few weeks ago, Elmore cam€ into San Francisco from Bakersfield and endeavored to corner the straw hat market. Last week he arrived in San Francisco again and his lu'mbermen friends were surprised to find out that he was now specializing in soft sport hats. As a result Elmore rep_lenished his supply of hats and took back to Bakersfield with him several of the latest and snappiest models in soft sport hats.
R. B. Allen, secretary-manager of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, with headquarters in Seattle, Washington, was a recent San Francisco visitor on association business. "Bob," as he is familiarly known by the lumber fraternity, is a great golf enthusiast and reports that the lun-rbermen of thJnorthivest are arranging for a golf tournament to be held at Portland during the latter part of the month, in which they expect about one hundred and fifty lumbermen to participate.
Bellingham, Saturday, IVIay S.-One of the largest shipments of ties ever taken from this port will be loaded by the steamship Caesar, due here today. They will be furnished b_y the Bloedel-Donovan Lumber Mills for the Souttrern Pacific Railway and will be discharged in San Pedro.
Los Angeles Retailers Hold Bowling Contest
I.ast Thursday night the star bowling team of the Woodhead L,umber Company, went down for the count at the hands of the newly organized Owens Parks Five. From reports it was a walkaway for the O. P. bunch who took three straight games and had a margin of. 374 pins, their average was 162 for the three.
The teams are composed of : J. C. Owens, C. G. Kelty, E. G. F-ifield, Geo. Cheney and J. C. Watson playing for Owens Parks, and F. M. Connelly, Earl Galbraith, Chas. Cheeseman, I-. J. \Veaver and J. E. Lloyd-Jones making up the Woodhead team.
Ed. Garland of San Francisco, in charge of the rail department of Charles R. McCormick & Co., is spending a ferv days calling on the Peninsula lumber trade. He is accornpanied by Roy R. Gill of San Francisco, the company's representative in this territory.
We bave ready for prompt rhipmcot from our Bay Point, Cal., pleng a conriderable quentity of
The real god of commerce today is the Satisfied Customer. Modern business recognizes his importance in this age of competition.
Did you ever stop to consider that every time a PUioneer Product is sold a Satisfied Customer is made? Pioneer Paper Co. Los Angeles - San Francisco
A Good Selijng Creed For Any Business
(Below is an eilitorial clippeil from the last issue of the "Trclrnmission," a perioilical issueil by the Studebaher a:gents in Los Angeles, anil distributcil to Stuilebafter owners. Woulil it not be uell for tlealers in aII lTinils ol merchanilise to ailopt something olong thk line?) ff it were necerrary to choooe between a rrnall burine* with a ftiendly clientele of owners, and a lrger business with any lelr enthusiasm on the part of the customers of the houre, we would rurhesitatingty choore the cmaller buriness. Fortunately, our c{rtomer3 have increased both in number end friendlinerc.
On March 6rst of this year the Paul G. Hofrman Co. rounds out its fourth year as the distributor of Studebaker motor cars in this vicinity. This period hae been marked by a most gratifying growth in the volume of our business.
What has pleased us still more has been the steadily increasing friendliness of Studebaker owners that haa found its expression in many different ways.
We want every Studebaker customer to feel tihat he ir entitled not only to courtery and efficient rerviog but orr perronal interest in hie obtaining cornplete ratisfaction with hir Studebaker car ar well.