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How Lumber Looks
Outside Opinions
Portland, Ore., May l3th.-..The market at tbis point is weak right at this time and the mille almoet without exception report a pqrr demand. Practically all orderr placed are for immediate ohipment indicating, we believe, ttat retailers are now wanting the mills to carrSr their stocks for tbem. Prospects are that a good proportion of the logg-S camps will close June frfteenth and stay down for ninety days. Of course the mills will close earlier than this and will no doubt stay dovrn longer than usual this year."
Seattle, Wash., May 12th.-..While the past two weeks have not shovrn the activity that we experienced in March and April, mogt mills and wholesalers are of optimistic frame of mind, mainly depending on increa.red rail business for summer volume. California demand ic not up to expectations and feeling is that their yards are buying only for immediate needs. Middle West wilt have prosperous year benefiting lumber industry. Cutting orders bringing fair prices, to get better as mills and camps close for sixty to ninety days.tt
Sacramento, May 13th.-"Building for May at ttis point will be normal, and the lumber business has no kick com- ing at the spring conditione. Pricer could be better, whole sale market about the same ar durins lart month.t'
San Francirco, May l3th.-"The Douglas Fir and Red wood market conditions have shown no notable change il ttre past two weeks. California Pine volume b with the mills holding to curtailment pnogram. Pricec both retail and wholeaale, and the retail volume could some improvement.tt
In the routhern part of the state an encouraging of good sized orders have been placed, rince May first, it is generally thought that a turning point has reached, on the price liste. The retail volume hac better than was expected, cauring rome of the retail to cover on stocks they have been needing for rome Building in Los .A,ngeles ir going on, with right close six million dollars in permits irsued, to the night of the l Receipts at San Pedro, to the night of the l3th, slightly over sixty million feet of Fir and Redwood.
Member mills of the West Coast Lumbermen's tion, in their last report, show a weekrs cut of IOB feet and new business totalling IOO million. They rmfilled rail orders for 5,667 cars.
The Redwood Auociation milla report a week's cut ?,7OO,(XX) feet and raler of 6,500,000 f€et.
San Joaquin Club to Entertain
I|/|ray 22 and 23 are the dates selected by the ComIrutteS on Arranggmenta, of t[e San Joaquin Vdley Lumbernren's Club, for the Joint Meeting of their Club, the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club and the Central Valley Club.
This meeting is to be conducted by the San Joaquin Broupr tte members of the other two clubs and tleir ladiee, to be. theh guests.
Complete arrangements had not been made, at the time of going to pre$. Secretary Frank Minard har annorurced that the firrt day of tte meeting will be consumed in a trip into the SW.r Pine fore*, back of Frerno, and on Saturday, the 23rd, they will have a noon meeting, with a large prograrn, with poaaibly a Hoo Hoo Concetenation in the cvelring.