2 minute read

"\f,/hat Can Be Done" Ir{owChanges to: t''VZhat Has Been Donett

rftWo years ago the BALSAM-WOOL salesmen had a I good story to tell about the sales and profit possibilities forretaillumber dealers in this improved insulation. This story was based on the self evident need for insulation and faith in a product which tested consider. ably better than any other on the market.

Today these same salesmen aren't doing much of this kind of talking.

They're too busy telling what has bem done.

A Minneapolis dealer sells 10 carloads of BALSAMWOOL in a vear. A Detroit dealer sells 4 carloads the firstyear hairdling BALSAM-WOOL. A Madison dealer sells 3 carloads in a year. A dealer in a town of 12,fi)0 population sells 165,000 feet in a year. Recordsfrom dealers in small towns show gross profit percentages of 388/o,42lYo,445Yo with many dealers making 7,8, 9, 10, and more stock turns in a vear.

The plain truth of the matter is that the majority of dealers who have made a success with BALSAM-WOOL didn't start off with carload orders. And there isn't a

BALSAM -WOOL salesman who is ashamed of that fact.

They've seen too many 3,000 feet and 5,000 feet ordersgrowto carloads on the third and fourthorder.'With the dealer satisfied all along andmakinga profit on every thousand feet. Reason enough why these salesmen haven't lost their heads over high pressure selling.

BALSAM-WOOL;r" ,rrrrrr*ron is made solely for distribution through the retail lumber dealer. It fits in with his business because every builder and remodeler is a prospect-every builder needs and will benefit by using BALSAM.WOOL. It is a comfort and health factor that in a very ehort time actually pays for itself with fuel savings and then pays yearly dividends. It is a sound deadener as well as a heat insulator. BALSAM-WOOL 'does not compete with other items of yard stock so you don't pyramid your investmentwhen you stock it.

Don't wait for the BALSAM-WOOL salesman to call. Send in a trial order for 3,000 or 5,000 feet. Free advertising helps will be eupplied. Prospect lists will be followed up for you.

Start making these additional profits now. Every BALSAM.WOOL iob helps sell another. The sooner you get started iust that much oooner do these additional profits begin to mount up. By next year you may be in the carload class. Orders can be placed with any 'W'eyerhaeuser representative or sent direct to the Wood Conversion Company, Cloquet, Minnesota.



Creneral Ofrces: SPOKANE \trASHINGTON

Btanch Oflict ST.PAUL CHIC/{,GO BALTIMORB S94UnivenityAvt 208S.LaSalleSG 812l*xingtonBldg.


l. Bam.a.u-Wool is the most efficient and economical house insulation on the market today.

2. It meets a rapidly growing popular demand.

3. It does not compete with any other stand' ard item of yard stock.

4. It gives you an additional profit on every house iob you sell.

5. It requires only a small investment.

6. It is light and easy to handle.

7. There are no broken stocks of Bals.nuTfoot . It comes in rolls in three standard widths only.

8. No outside competition. Bal.s.ttvt-'Woor, is not sold through mail order houses,retailers in other lines or direct to the oonsumer.

9.It cannot deteriorate. It oomes rolled, wrapped and sealed.

10. It can be sold for both old and new houses, for apartment buildings, cold storage plants, llaralies, barns, poultry houses and other farm buildings.

11. In addition to being a heat insulator, BALsnrra-Woot is also a sound deadener.

l2.Its reasonable price and low installation cost put it in reach of every home.builder.


BALSAM-WOOL lDistributors for Southern California :

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