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Building Boom to Continue Until 1932Says Lumber Chief
It will take until 1932 for the United States to catch up with building shortage and the normal building requirements.
This statement is made by Charles S. Keith of Kansas City:
"Conditions so far indicate that 1925 will surpass last year in volume of construction," Keith added. This is supported by well advised authorities. This means that in the neighborhood of $5,000,000,000 will be spent in building this year; that employment of men in the building trades at high wages will be continuous and that consump- tion of steel, lumber, cement and other commodities affecting every section of the country to some degree will be heavy.
"f anticipate no fall in the price of lumber. fndustrial demand is increasing steadily. What this means can be realized when it is understood that the manufacture of boxes alone accounts for 121 per cent of all the lumber produced in the United States. The automobile' industry requires 5 per cent of the output and the railways absorb 25 per cent. In the cases of all these industries, activity rs rampant.
Exports to Be Heavy
"Exports of lumber may be expected to be heavy. Continental Europe is taking more American lumber than at any time since 1913. The first German buyer to enter our offices since 1912 has just placed an order with us. The flush demand from Japan his quieted since the temporary building to replace the earthquake damage has been com- pleted, but the requirements this year in that country will' be good. Chinese buying may be delayed by civil war, but can be expected to come up to that of 1924. The Australian sales, I do not anticipate, will be very good.
"There is no reason why we should not have an excellent year in the lumber business, and lumber and steel are the most sensitive indicators of business and prosperity which we have. Fourteen billion feet of lumber has gone from transit and retail stocks in the last year. Production will not be increased and demand will be steady, according to my opinion.
Northwest Conditions
"The northwestern mills, it is true, are on a fouf-day and five-day basis, but this is due to the fact that they expect consumers to take production as it is turned ou[. Many of them have no yardage in which they can store reserve stocks.
"The increased efficiency of the railroads has led to a lot of what is commonly termed hand-to-mouth buying. It has resulted in the movement of fourteen billion feet into building and other uses, and buyers are not anticipating their needs far in advance. Instead of buying five and six months ahead, consumers and distributors are anticipating their needs only by thirty to sixty days, for they can get shipments so much quicker.
As a result they buy more freely, but in smaller quan- tities. The western mills will have to adiust themselves to that trend of affairs. But they also can bi expected to have a fine year, as is indicated by the fact that they sold l0 per cent more than normal capacity production last year."
Clean Up Paint Up
By taking full advantage of the Bureau's free advertising service you can increase your sales 100 PER CENT OR MORE during an active Clean Up and Paint Up campaign in your community.
This is a strong statement that some readers may doubt, but tabulation of the Reports of Campaign Results from more than 5,000 paint dealers show sales increases ranging from 25 TO MORE THAN 1,000 PER CENT, according to the scope and length of the local campaign.
Not only does a properly organi4ed and energetically conducted campaign increase the sale of paint and varnish, but it increases the sales of dealers in hardware, lumber, building supplies, fowers and seeds, groceries, dry goods, drugs, furniture, carpets and rugs, tents and awnings, plumbing, carpenter work, roofing, real estatb, building materials, Iighting fixtures, insurance, gas and electric service, laundry service, automobile accessories, cleaning and dyeing, and in scores of other lines.
It is relly surprising how the average citizen fails to realize the many things he has neglected to buy to promote the comfort, health and convenience of his family and himself, until hig interest and buying desire are aroused by this campaign.-National Clean Up and Paint Up Bureau.
"Clean Up and Paint Up" Increase the Value of Your Property
Paint and Varnirh increa.se the value of your property-nrany timec their cort.
If done in time, painting keepr down the annual meintenance cxrpenle by nving money that otherwire would be spent for repain or lort through depreciation.
The paint dollar addr more value than any otter dollar rpent on your property.