1 minute read
Simonds Executive Visits Seattle
Robert R. Fox, President of Simons Saw & Knife Agency, Los Angeles, was a recent visitor to Seattle in connection with the opening of the new mill of the Washington Lumber & Spar Company, Renton, Wash., of which he is also president.
Mr. Fox inspected the new plant, with John G. Workman, vice-president, and W. G. Savage, general manager.
Predicts Big Future For Spokane
Spokane, Wash.-Frank J. Walker of the Timber Products Bureau of the Spokane Chamber of Commerce, said in an interview recently that finishing of lumber gives every promise of becoming one of the principal industries in Spokane, adding: "The lumber business in Spokane already has grown to significant proportions. There is every reason to believe that it will double and possibly,treble in the next few years. This development seems all the more certain when it is considered that each year hundreds of eastern operators are cutting out their timber and are looking to the northwest for future supplies."
It is reported that one of the fastidious newly married ladies of this town kneads bread with her gloves on. This incident may be somewhat peculiar, but there are others. The editor of this paper needs bread with his shoes on; he needs bread with his shirt on; he needs bread with his pants on, and unless some of the delinquent subscribers to this "Old Rag of Freedom" pony up before long, he will need bread without a damn thing on, and Wisconsin is no Garden of Eden in the winter time.-Melrose (Wisconsin) Chronicle.
Hope for Sunshine
-but be prepared for rain t Wear Filson Water Repellant Pants for comfort in any weather. They shed a tot of uiater -keep out wind-keep you comfortable. Double front, double seat; wear "like iron" and sure look neat I You'll wonder how you got along witbout them.
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Give waist and inseam meas' ure.