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(The Clearing Houce)
This Column of "Wants" and "Don't Wants" is for: The Fellow Who Wants to Buy The Fellow Who Wants to Sell The Fellow Who Wants to Hire
Rate: $2.s0 per cotumn inch The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired
A fine yard in " .,,r"3r1;fofoto.orlation. Yard well located, doing nice business and showing profits. Ill health of owner makes it difficult to attend to details. Prefer cash sale but might consider a country yard in trade. Address Box 4-46. care California Lumber Merchant.
Wants Position
Young married man seeking connection in any department of retail yard. Thoroughly experienced accountant, expert typist and correspondent, can price detailed sash, doors and millwork, and am familiar with every branch of lumber office work. Desire connection where there is opportunity for advancement. Available immediately. Address Bbx A-45, care California Lumber Merchant.
Position as yard man in country lumber yard. Long experience and good references. Address Box A-44, card California Lumber Merchant.
Experienced Lumber Executive
Desires to invest $15,000 with services in sound business. Wide experience and excellent record stump to consumer. Address'Box A-37. care California Lumber Merchant.
Want Panel Salesman
WANTED: panel salesman for Southern California territory. Prefer one with'personal acquaintance among the trade, but will interview any yotlng man possessing sales ability. Splendid opportunity for right man. Address box 29-F- care California Lumber Merchant.
By competent man, position in some good city in South^rn Calif. Now employed as Manager:ih three yard town, rvith present employer 8 years as Manager. Married, age 35. Am capable and willing to earn good salary. Good bookkeeper. Will start in any capacity with right company. References. Available May lst. Box A-42, care California Lumber Merchant.
POSITION as salesman with Wholesale Lumber Company. Ten years'experience. Best of references. Address Box A-40, care California Lumber Merchant.
WANTED, by competent man, position in some good city in Southern California. Now employed as Manager in. a three-yard town, with present employer 8 years as Manager. Married, age 35. Am capable and willing to earn a good salary. Good bookkeeper. Will start in any capacily with right company. References. Available May lst. Address Box A-41 care California Lumber Merchant.
RETAIL YARD for sale, excellent location on Suburban Boulevard, Los Angeles. Yard doing a good business and making a profit. $35,000 cash required. Address box A-38, care California Lumber Merchant.
Tel[ your customers why ordinaryFrenchDoorsprove unsatisfactory. Then show them how NICOLAI-with distinctive improvernents in manufacturinghas succeeded in adding to beaufy, a much greater strength in construction andunif ormly Dqfe& alignmurt. NICOLAI French Doors are worthy of your highest praise ! Insist on having them from your jobber. Recommend them unreser" vedly to your customers.
NICOLAI Door Mfg. Company
Cable address: (Acme or Bentley Code) "NICOLAI" Portland, Oregon
Eoskm Addr* 28 E. Jachson Bltd.