2 minute read
Kindliness and Simplicity Have Always Marked the World's Great Men
Bg Jacft Dionne
- Every now and then I meet some gruff spoken, stiff necked, big headed, grouchy bounder, who knows no opinion but hiJ own, gives'no thought to thi othei felljw, acts Iike a czar, and looks upon _himself as somethiig exceptionaily fine that the Lord his by extra effort turned out, and I think that that muit be fhe sort'of bird that Bobby Burn's had in mind when he said:
"Oh, would someone the gift would gie us
To see ourselves as others see us.', fsn't it both strange andqueer the perspective that this sort of person gets concerning those characteristics that go to m;ke bigness and greatness.
For this sort of man always thinks he is a great man-at the worst a BfG man.
The thinkers of the world have all agreed upon one fact concerning greatness, which is, that great men are invariably kindly, gdntle, simple men.
Trace the history of the world, and you will find that this is true.
Trace the history of our own nation, and the fact is forcefully driven home.
Severe men' grouchy -u_1,_9Y9l!earing men, strongly self-opiniated men, self-loving men' ungenerous men'-are NEVER g-reat men, and seldom do-es a man possess any o-f these characteristics who can claim to-be a BrG man. Very seldom indeei.
The fact is that men who travel much, see, hear, think and do much, have discovered this very interesting and_pertinent fact-that LiTTL'E men are hard to'get to, and BIG men are easy of approach.
If you are in New York and have some business you would like to transact with the bigges-t. banker there,. you send -in your card, and the next thing you know thi"- Lrr"y 111"r, is shaking hands with you, and teiling you just when you ""r".d" him and tell youi business story.
But you meet more little men, the world over, who are "in conference" and can't see you' or whose secretary makes you- tell the story of your life, how much you weigh, who you.?1e' -what_you want to see this business coloisus-about, eic., etc., etc.jbefore you can possibly be ushered into the august presence.
And whenever you.meet tha.t experience y!! ca1 know without anyone telling you, that you have a meital "pee-wee" to'contena ivittr. Never a doubt aboui it. you can get to se.e a really BIG man without trouble, embarrassment, or unnecessary efiort, anywhe-re, anytime.
. Just al Jqu meet socially unfortunate people who think that they way to demonstrate that they ARE some punkins is to "snub" somebody on every occasi,on-lhus demonstrat- ing.their woeful ignolance of what "gentle-man" 6r "gentld-woman" really means, so in busrness- you meet a great percentage of mental light-weights who become obscessed of the notion that they must dembnstrate-iheir size and]station-by unusual show of pomp and Power.
To- both classes, this fi_ne thought is recommended for mental digestion: "Without subtle. imaginatlon, a broad spirit- of charity and tolerance for the feElings, rights, and yelltlngs_ of_others; without- vision, sympithy, and sincerity for the othEr m"-rr, " *"r, is JUST MUD."