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Creo-Dipt Stained Shin$les are now aYailable for quick delivery throughout the West
TFHREE months a€,o we announced the openin$ I of a new Creo-Dipt factory at Vancouver' as well as the establishing of a Los An$eles office in charge of Guy M. Rich.
That made available to Pacific coast retail lumber men the same type of Creo-Dipt service that has always been given in the east.
As a result, the sales of these fine cedar shingle-s have takeri an upward leap that-has gained qqic\ profits for the western dealers who have standard Creo-Dipt colors in stock.
These are the only stained cedar shin$les that are nationally advertised-the otty ones that are known and demanded throughout the country. Every individual Creo-Dipt shingle is lOOft perfect-cut from the finest of strai$ht $rained cedar' treated with preservatives andstained. And bear in mind that we sell only to the retail lumber dealers. All inquiries from Creo-Dipt advertisinA in the Saturiiay Evenin$ Post, Good Housek6eping, House and Garden, House, Beautiful and othei'publications are referred direct to dealers who cooperate with us.
A carload of Creo-Dipt Shingles in brown, $re-en and Aray, in sizes best adapted to buildin$ styles in ydur- iocality will take care of 90% of your requirements. Address