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california Redwood Association Announce Winners in Architectural Contest
* R. F. Hammatt, Secretary-Manager of the California Redwood Association, announces th]at 48 certified architects in California submitted a total of Z8 designs in the "Small All-Wood House Contest, recently con-ducted by the Redwood Association."
The Jury of Award-Messrs. Earl Bertz and Ernest Coxhead of San Francisco and Harris Allen of Oakland, (.alpointe.d by the San_ Francisco Chapter, A. I. A.) made the six following awards :
R. D, MacPherson Los Angeles
J. C. Simms I-os Angeles
W. G. Byrne Hollywood and
R. D. MacPherson Los Angeles
R. D. MacPherson Los Angeles
No awards were made in the $4000.00 and the $3000.00 classes.
In addition to these awards, the Jury recommended as