1 minute read
lttokg and dust fever and sweal vi,'orthy of publication-, 16 designs by 11 architects (to each of whom we have ofiered a Iash bayment in addition to sums coyered by definite awards) is'follows:
Author City
[. C. Simms Los Angeles
L. N. Barcume Sacramdhto
W. 9.Ey.ne Hollywood
W. L._Campbell Los Angeles
C. F. Maury San Francisco
A. R. Widdowson Los Angeles
Natt Piper Long Biach
L. H. Lippiatt Alhambra
Dean and Dean Sacramento
H. O. Sexsmith Los Angeles
Rolland H. HolbrookLos An[eles
Mr. Hammatt states that the brochure, which will be at- tractively arranged and illustrating the desisns receivins the awards and honorable mentionl will be r-eady for dis"- tribution in about 30 davs.
Summer of Twenty-Four
The damndest s:eason I've put in vet: All you can hear, or think, br do,'
I-s_ fighting fire the seasori through.
$l other work has gone to pot,Our working plans alre compiotilv "shot."
_(Sufrering cats-, will it never raini)
My heart has a knock, my nerves are fraved.
!{f stomach's gone, my feet are splayed" -
!4y gyes are dimmed from the back-ffre smoke, ttd_f lunSs are sorq and my back is broka
(Out in the West, where men are merL
It hasn't rained since God knows wheirt)
Yitt e-rlp ald- a crackle, a rumble and roar; IY_:_ c"tt f-or hclp and try once more.
(When winter co,mes. wi won,t bc Eorcl) The open slxlccri are free and dcco. Ttc mountain slopcs are l,ong and'stcep; il'$: ffitffi
,"#lft"fry#*"* -*a.
soenery is \rhat some folks mav desirc. But it's rotten stufr on a forest'firc.
_(OF, -qF ny_ Cat. is a joyful land; It is like i{_t Aift-Nature drandt)
It mushrooms up and drifts arryiy. -'
A column of smoke and a windv dav:
But_ under that olllar of pearly gay,
Is the sarne old fight in the same old way.
Thirst and Eweat, worry and srime:
She's jumped the line timc aftir tirrire
4 holiday for rnc would be, On a southern isle in a balmy sca, Where I could sleep, and eati and- shavc. And bathc -mysclf in thc p,urile wave; In its tropical rains with its clad do,wnoour. I'd dream of thc Summcr of Tienty-four.