1 minute read
We are like the lrishman who had iust heard of Steve Brodie's famous leap for the first time. He said:
".A,nnybody can j,r-p OFF Brooklyn Bridge. I thought you said he jumped OVER it."
When it comes to real SERVICE in lumber and shingles-rail deliver/--1vs just naturally ttj,r*p over it.tt
Austin L. Black Attends
Advertising Convention at Houston
-Austin Ta.. Black, San Francisco, Director of Advertising of the California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers-' 4ssociation, left on Tuesday evening, May 5, with the California delegation to attend the Annual Convention of the World's Advertising Clubs to be held at lfouston, Texas, from May 9 to May 14 inclusive. Mr. Black will act as one of the three representatives of the Twelfth Advertising District, which comprises the Pacific Coast, at the Convention and will also act as the representative of John p_udd1', President of the San Francisco Advertising elub. Mr. Black takes an active part in the afiairs of tle San Francisco Advertising Club ind prior to the Houston Convention, he was the Chairman of the "On to Houston" Committee. At the close of the Houston Convention, he expects to make a trip to Nerv York before he returns to San Francisco.

To Unload At Long Beach
Shipments for the Patten & Davies Lumber Company and the Union Lumber Company will hereafter be made direct to the Long Beach }{arbor, according to a report from officials of Long Beach.
Until these companies have built their own wharves on Harbor Channel No. 2, cargoes consigned to them rvill be unloaded at the municipal wharf.
Lumber Industry Leads in Number of Wage Earners
According to a summarization of the data collected at the biennial consensus of manufactures, 1923, the lumber and timber products industry (embracing logging camps and sawmills) is the leading one in California as measured by the number of wage earners. In this industry the averagl number of wage earners employed during the census year increased from I9,29A in I92L to 24,222 in 1923, or g.4 per g.elt. The.value-of products turned out by 206such estlb_ lishments in 1923 was $86,959,032, againsi E51,3g0,066 two years .befo.tg:^ ^W^ag"r_ p^?id in I9z-3 totated,' $39,245,290, against $24,980,230 in 7921.
Lumber planing-mill plod_qc-t-s not made by planing mills connected with sawmills in 1923 were valued ^i EgZ,hg,9l6, compared with 953,450,395 in l9Zl. In L923 the number of such planing mills was 322, with an average of 10,026 wage earners, whose wages aggregated $15,256j47, una in p2t the number of mills rvas only 307, employing an average number of 6,864 with wages tdtaling $tO,tZ0,tji.