1 minute read
Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Hear About Conservation
Mr. W. S. Rosecrans, President of the Los Angeles County Conservation Association, addressed the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club, at their meeting on May 7th.
Curtis Williams, of Williams and Cooper, was chairman of the day.
Mr. Rosecrans made a very interesting talk on the watersheds of Southern California. told of the thousands of acres of timbered land that had been destroyed in the past years, and of the tremendous importance of all citizens lending their moral and financial support to the movements being made to conserve the County's water, in addition to the projects being proposed to bring in a greater supply to take care of the grorving population.
The speaker told of the meeting held on Mt. Lowe on April 30th, an account of which iJ elsewhere in this issue.
A, W. Donovan, Union Lumber Company, won the attendance prize.
Past Snark Dave Woodhead told the boys of the visit to L_os Angeles made by Snark of the Univerle, Jas. H. Allen. Mr. Allen stopped at Los Angeles but a few hours, on his way_to Phoenix, and was entertained during his brief stay, by Dave. Dave also made a proposal that t-he Los Aneelij Hoo Hoo Club make a summer camping trip into" the mountains,. Sa-turday and Sunday, for -an-opportunity of studying the forest sections of the county, in addition to enjoying the delights of camping life, in the high spots. A committee is to be appointed to arrange this.-